Quackathon project for the DearJuniorDev Discord server, where we were tasked with creating an educational site about the planets of our solar system. A relational database and single page application were also required.
-- The website must be a SPA application.
-- Each planet of the solar system must have its own profile page. -- Each page must include at a minimum (Name of the planet, size, distance from the Sun, three identifying facts, solid or gas core, and a visual representation of the planet) -- NOTE: No images, assets, emojis, or SVGs are permitted. The visual representation of each planet must be made ENTIRELY out of CSS. -- If the planet has a moon, you must display the following information for every moon (Name, history behind name, and size). -- Planet pages must include at least two different components that are NOT used on your homepage. -- If a planet has more than one moon, the moon information must be displayed in repeating elements. -- All planet and moon content MUST be stored in a database.
-- You must use foreign keys. -- Planets and Moons must be stored separate from one another. -- You must incorporate one ENUM for the planet data.
-- The homepage should be an overview of the solar system. -- The data included will be up to each team. -- The homepage must include at least two components that are NOT used on any planet page. -- Homepage content does not need to be stored in a database and can be coded into your components.
-- Your README must include instructions for me to spin up the project locally, as well as an overview of the tech and/or libraries used. -- It should also include a list of the Quackathon requirements and how those were met or exceeded by your team.
- ✅ Each planet has a page
- ✅ All planet details are displayed
- ✅ Planets are made from html and css only
- ✅ Moon information is displayed with the planet page
- ✅ Planet pages contain at least the FactDisplay and Planet components
- ✅ Moon informtion is displayed via a map function
- ✅ All information is stored in a postgreSQL database
- ✅ Foreign key is used to relate moons to planets
- ✅ There are seperate Planet and Moon tables
- ✅ An Enum is used for Planet Core, SOLID or GAS
- ✅ Homepage displays all planets
- ✅ Homepage includes planets and animation that is not included elsewhere
- ✅ Readme contains instructions for how to start the development server
- ✅ Site has been deployed! 🎉
This application was built with NextJS. To run locally, clone the repo and in the command line type npm run dev
. This will only work if you have your own database with the planet information setup. If you'd like to see a live demo, scroll down to the link!
This site may be used as an educational tool to learn a bit about the planets and moons of our solar system.
This project was created by Auroiah Morgan, Rick Rieger, and Keegan Anglim.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - click the link to read the license.