MyBatis-Memcached extension Memcached support for MyBatis Cache.
This extension based on official mybatis-memcached 1.0.0
该项目基于mybatis-memcached 1.0.0官方项目
Compatible with all original configuration
- Add SASL support
- 支持通过SASL连接memcached服务器
- Add Refuse Period option to wait for some time when the memcached connection refused
- 添加refuse period选项,用于在memcached服务器链接断开之后的一段时间不使用memcached
flag to enable/disable the sasl connectionorg.mybatis.caches.memcached.username
the username when using saslorg.mybatis.caches.memcached.password
the password when using saslorg.mybatis.caches.memcached.refuseperiod
the refuse period (in millisecond)