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Code for Open-FF constructor scripts; A project to transform the industry's FracFocus disclosure data into a usable resource.


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This CodeOcean capsule is a system of code to transform data from the online chemical disclosure site for hydraulic fracturing,, into a usable database. Currently, these data include over 6,000,000 chemical records in over 175,000 fracking events.

The code performs cleaning, flagging, and curating techniques to yield organized data sets and sample analyses from a difficult collection of chemical records.
For a majority of these records, the mass of the chemicals used in fracking operations is calculated.

The output of this project includes full data sets and filtered data sets. All sets include many of the original raw FracFocus fields and many generated fields that correct and add context to the raw data. Filtered data sets remove the FracFocus records that have significant problems, which gives the user a product that is usable without much work. On the other hand, full sets do not filter out any of the original raw FracFocus records allowing the user to construct their own appropriate set (by using the flags, etc.).

Portions of the raw bulk data that are filtered out include:

  • fracking events with no chemical records (mostly 2011-May 2013)
  • fracking events with multiple entries (and no indication which entries are correct).
  • chemical records that are identified as redundant within the event.

Additionally, the mass for reported chemicals is calculated only for those disclosures that meet more stringent criteria, such as consistent percentages, base water volume, and a match with MassIngredient field (when available).

Finally, we clean up some of the labeling fields by consolidating multiple versions of a single category into an easily searchable name. For instance, we collapse the 80+ versions of the supplier name 'Halliburton' to a single value 'halliburton'.

This code is designed to facilitate adding new disclosures to data sets periodically (after curation) to keep the output data sets relatively up to date.

By removing or cleaning the difficult data from this unique data source, we have produced a data set that can facilitate more in-depth analyses of chemical use in the fracking industry.

The online browser

Find a browsable version of the processed data at the Open-FF Catalog. This includes a chemical index with extensive profiles of every material, a data dictionary, and other resources.

Find the github repositories of code at:

CodeOcean Versions of Open-FF

Beta - in cloud version

  • tweak automated carrier identifiers to keep disclosures on the edges that were previously avoided but were still viable for calculating mass.


  • Current download: February 2023

  • added Reportable Quantities for all bgCAS that have them. The field added is named rq_lbs. This value is NaN if the bgCAS is not on the list. (Added Aug 14, 2022)

  • Cleaned up the bgCAS that were not striped of trailing spaces.

  • Using new comptox batch cleanup routines. Old EPA names are no longer available, but IUPAC name now included from comptox search.

  • bgLatitude and bgLongitude are now replaced with state-derived values when errors are detected in the FracFocus versions of those varibales. The field bgLocationSource indictates where the bg values come from. Also added stLatitude and stLongitude, the state version of those location data.

  • added bgFederalLand and bgNativeAmericanLand that is derived from the PADUS-3 data set


  • Current download: July 2022

  • Revamp location cleanup: require curation of State-County|Name-Number combinations so that ALL bgStateName/CountyName values are consistent with formal list. Reproject bgLatitude/Longitude so it is all in WGS84 and easy to reproject into any other Projection. Compare all reported lat/lon to state and county boundaries to identify pairs that are inconsistent with reported names. Use geopandas. Removed a few flags but added three new: loc_name_mismatch, loc_within_county, loc_within_state; keeping latlon_too_coarse. (May 2, 2022)

  • Add another criteria to find inconsistent MassIngredient: remove records with PercentHFJob = 0.


  • Current download: April 2, 2022

  • Add a "fresh" scraped version of the early years of FracFocus. These data were assembled by downloading (in Apr 2021) 43,000+ PDFs of the "empty" disclosures of the bulk download data (which have some meta data but no chemical records), scraping them with a PDF scraper program (keeping only data from the well-formed PDFs) and then formatting the data to be compatible with the bulk download data. This data set is kept separate from the bulk download data, but can be compiled using the data_source term: "FFV1_scrape".

  • Separated the "SkyTruth" archive from the bulk download data. This is in recognition to our discovery that that archive no longer reflects what the industry has published as up-to-date. The changes we have detected between the archive and more recent versions of the data impact a small fraction of records, but because scraping PDF files is a large task, especially when so many disclosures are poorly formatted, we cannot with certainty account for all records in this archive. Nevertheless, the archive may be of interest to researchers looking into transparency and how published data changes over time. This set can be compiled using the data_source term: "SkyTruth"

  • Add new external lists: EPA Comptox lists: WATERQUALCRIT, NWATRQHHC, IRIS, PFAS_master and VOLITILOME; TSCA's list of UVCB (unknown, variable composition or biological); National Primary Drinking Water Regulation list (curated by Angelica Fiuza in Feb. 2022); EPA's list of 5 "diesel" ingredients that are regulated

VERSION 13 (March 2022)

  • Remove the "SkyTruth archive" from the standard_filtered data sets. In previous versions, this archive has been used to fill in the chemical records for disclosures between 2011-May 2013, because the FracFocus bulk download does not report chemical records for that period, even though the chemicals are reported in the PDF files available at the web site. We are removing the archive because it has come to our attention that those data are occasionally not a good representation of currently available PDF files on the FracFocus website. This is apparently due largely to changes to the PDF files after they were published and SkyTruth downloaded them. While such changes are not announced or recorded in any way to the public, they are premitted by FracFocus. It appears that the only way that the public can tell that such changes have been made is to manually compare new versions to older versions, which is a very large task for big-picture analysis.

  • Note that although the SkyTruth archive will no longer be in the "standard filtered" data set, those data are still available in the "full" data set which includes all other available records such as duplicates. Use the SkyTruth data with care and remember that some records do not reflect what the industy claims as the proper published records.

Version 12 :

  • Data downloaded from FracFocus on Feb. 5, 2022

  • Added testing module to confirm consistency of final data sets.

  • Changed calcMass values of zero to NaN to indicate they are a non-disclosed quantity (Dec. 20,2021)

  • in DataDictionary, fixed massCompFlag description to reflect that it is True when massComp is out of tolerance.

  • mark disclosures without chemical records as out-of-tolerance for total_percent.

  • add hash checks on repository files (Dec 29, 2021)

  • add new filters (4,5,6) to find problem disclosures for mass calculation (Jan 15-28, 2022)

  • add new carrier detection sets: s6,s7,s8 and s9. (Jan 28, 2022)

  • incorporate filter of SkyTruth disclosures that we have detected as changed since originally scraped. The removed disclosures are still available in the Full set, but not the filtered set. (Jan 26, 2022)

  • add the raw field IngredientComment back into the Full data set for proprietary claim analysis. (Jan 30, 2022)

Version 11:

  • Data downloaded from Dec. 4, 2021.

  • cleanMI field added that is MassIngredient with values that are inconsistent at the disclosure level removed.

  • Added carrier detection sets: set2, set3, set4 and set5. This adds about 25,000 disclosures that are eligible for mass calculations.

  • Flagged SkyTruth-based disclosures that have been deleted from FracFocus's pdf database (n=140). They are no longer included in the standard filtered data set, but can still be accessed in the Full data set. See the list at /data/ST_api_without_pdf.csv

  • Changed the file structure of the project to be more in line with python package structure. Started new github repository for this branch (openFF-build).

  • Removed clusterID and other fields that were experimental or not used.

Version 10 - MAJOR REVISION:

  • Data downloaded from Oct 10, 2021. Updated versions of the data may be periodically available without code changes. See the Open-FF blog.

  • Chemical identification is now curated using both CASNumber and IngredientName instead of by automated analysis of CASNumber only. This includes separate evaluation of the two fields using comparisons to authoratative references (Chemical Abstracts's "SciFinder" and the EPA's "CompTox". This change allows for many simple typos to be corrected and for many obviously wrong CASNumbers to be changed or flagged as 'ambiguous'. Further, this curation produces a more thorough characterization of proprietary claims and the 'category' of the change is available to the end user for further analysis. The translation file ("casing_curated.csv") between original CASNumber/IngredientName pairs and resulting bgCAS is in the /sources directory ("/data" folder for CodeOcean).

  • The carrier records of a disclosure are now determined by combination of automation and manual curation (instead of just automation as in previous versions). The code introduced here allows many more disclosures to be included in mass calculations. This version does not yet apply the manual curation, but the version adds the functionality.

  • The code and reference files created to translate SciFinder CAS naming is now included in the core file ""

  • The code used to do pre-processing can be found in the /builder_tasks folder, though it is not performed in CodeOcean. It is included for completeness and transparency. The output of these scripts are mostly held in the /data (/sources) folder.

  • The calculation of mass for every chemical now incorporates the density of the carrier fluid indicated in the IngredientComments field, when available. This is currently available for about 24,000 disclosures.

  • The calculation of mass now is checked against the undocumented but informative FracFocus field, MassIngredient. While this field is only available for a subset of disclosures and can be internally inconsistent, when checked against calcMass, we can find (and filter) records or whole disclosures that may be more error prone.

  • clusterID changed to fixed length string for more consistent searches.

  • Individual boolean flags are available for fine-grained filtering in the full data set.

  • Classes of code to create data sets in a consistent manner across different bulk data inputs are available in the Analysis_set class and subclasses. The output from the CodeOcean run includes two zipped data set from Analysis_set.

  • Text indications of missing values in CASNumber, IngredientName, and Supplier have been consolidated into the single token: "MISSING." See the tranlation table, \data\missing_values.csv.

  • We include a more comprehensive and searchable Data Dictionary with tables showing components of canned data sets.

  • New external reference data sets have been added: The Clean Water Act list as curated by the EPA, the EPA's "Drinking Water Standard and Health Advisories Table", EPA's master PFAS list and EPA's list of volatile chemicals. These fields, is_on_CWA, is_on_DWSHA, is_on_PFAS_list and is_on_volatile_list, can be used to quickly identify those groups of chemicals.

  • Large-scale refactoring of code has removed unused or overly complicated sections.

Version 9:

  • Data download from FracFocus on March 5, 2021.
  • Correct calculation for percent non-zero in the integer and float section.
  • Generate geographic clusters as proxy of wellpad identity; clusters are found in the string field clusterID. (Note that a specific clusterID will NOT be consistent across data set versions in the way that UploadKey is; don't depend on it!).
  • The fields FederalWell and IndianWell have been changed to string type - previously, they were boolean (T/F) but that type does not allow for empty cells which occurs in the SkyTruth data, leading to misinformation.
  • Added PercentHighAdditive to full data output to allow for better investigations of TradeName usage.
  • Rename the old field infServiceCo to primarySupplier to better reflect its generation.
  • Added chemical lists of the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and from California's Proposition 65 lists to help identify chemicals of concern.

Version 8.1: Correct slight documentation omission.

Version 8: Added WellName field to filtered data output. Added chemical ingredient codes from the WellExplorer project ( -- fields with the prefix we_ are from that project. See Data download from FracFocus on October 23, 2020.

Version 7: Data downloaded from FracFocus on July 31, 2020. TradeName added to exported data.

Version 6: Save data tables in pickled form into results section so that it may be exported to other projects.

Version 5: Data downloaded from FracFocus on May 14, 2020. No other changes.

Version 4: Data downloaded from FracFocus on March 20, 2020. Added the generated field, infServiceCo. This field is an attempt to identify the primary service company of a fracking event. Including in the output files the raw field Projection which is needed to accurately map using lat/lon data.

Version 3: Data downloaded from FracFocus on Jan. 22, 2020. Modified the FF_stats module to generate separate reports for the "bulk download" and the "SkyTruth" data sources. Both are reported in "ff_raw_stats.txt" in the results section.)

Version 2: Data downloaded from FracFocus on Jan. 22, 2020. Incorporated basic statistics on the raw FracFocus data (see "ff_raw_stats.txt" in the results section.)

Version 1: Data downloaded from FracFocus on Jan. 22, 2020. Similar to the Proof-of-Concept version with the following new features: SkyTruth archive has been incorporated. Links to references include: Elsner & Hoelzer 2016, TEDX chemical list and TSCA list.


Code for Open-FF constructor scripts; A project to transform the industry's FracFocus disclosure data into a usable resource.








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