This is a GitHub repository for a web development project by Uchicago Techteam, Winter 2017.
- Learn how to use terminal and Github.
- Learn HTML, CSS, and Chrome DevTools
- Learn how to use the Squarespace platform
- Create a new website for Illinois Safe Schools Alliance with cleaner design and added functionality.
- Go over basic HTML/CSS concepts
- Practice HTML/CSS skills with exercises that will be uploaded here
- Using Chrome DevTools would be helpful
- Compile a list of pages/files we need to relocate to the new website (Week 1~2) and finalize layout/page structure
- Once the list is complete, start adding pages/files using the Squarespace platform.
- I may assign some additional readings that could help you understand web development better.
- Current Website for Safe Schools
- Alternative web designs our client loved: ICAH, BYP100
- Previous website created by Techteam using Squarespace: Green Star Movement
- NOTE: You must log in with administrator account to gain access to the list of available pages and files.
- The list of pages and files can be found here.
- Squarespace
- This is a web development platform that allows simple, user-friendly interface for editing HTML/CSS
- As per our client's request, we will be using the pre-built Sonora template in particular.
- Squarespace User Guide
- Later I will update a list of articles in this portal that might be helpful in some of our tasks.
- HTML/CSS Tutorial
- A few of these lessons may be given as assignments. (Don't stress out! We will also go over these during the workshops)
- Some other resources (Feel free to learn for yourself)
- Useful Websites (More to come)
- Google Fonts for new fancy fonts.
- Adobe Color Wheel for choosing a color scheme for your website.
- Install GitHub Desktop - Within the package, we will mostly use Git Shell so that you could contribute to this GitHub project.
- Create a GitHub account if you don't have one. - Once you create an account, verify your email address - Let me know what your account name is, and accept my invitation to this project.
- Install Chrome if you don't have it already. - We will be using Chrome DevTools to easily inspect HTML elements and its CSS styling.
- Install a text editor.
- We will be using a text editor to edit HTML and CSS files.
- Some options
- Notepad++ (for Windows)
- TextWrangler (for Mac)
- Sublime Text
- Open Git Shell and navigate to a directory where you want the project files to be.
Useful Git Shell commands
# print current working directory
# check what files and folders are inside the current directory
# move to a child directory
cd <directory>
# move upwards to a parent directory
cd ..
# create a new directory
mkdir <directory name>
- Clone this repository in your chosen location.
git clone
- Create your own branch
# Check what the current branches are. (Initially there would only be master)
git branch
# Create your own branch
git branch <your_name>
# Move to your new branch (You will only be making changes within this branch and merge with master branch later)
git checkout <your_name>
- Create your own repository
mkdir <your_name>
You will be submitting the HTML/CSS exercises, so you should create a folder of your own when you submit.
- Update your clone so that it is up-to-date with my version
git pull upstream master
This won't be needed when you first clone this repository, but would be essential for your later contributions as I will be constantly updating this repository with new resources.
- Create/Edit files in your clone repository using text editor.
- Add, Commit, and Push your change
git add <filename to add> git commit -m "message that describes what changes you have made" git push # When you first create your branch, you will need this command as well git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name>
- Send a pull request.
- Click on the branch button and click "new pull request" button for your own branch
- Later I will check on your changes and merge them to the master branch.
- For every new changes, repeat Step 5 ~ 8.