Release 2.0 Transition to Maven Build System
With Release 2.0, the Tinfour code base is migrating to the Maven build environment. This transition has several advantages. Most importantly, it brings Tinfour into conformance with the standards and procedures endorsed by the Github open-source software hosting system. It also makes the Tinfour binaries (Jar files) available on Maven Central. And will facilitate automatic integration with other software projects.
Unfortunately, the transition did involve one major change to the Tinfour code. All Java packages that were formerly named "tinfour", are now named "org.tinfour". This change will affect existing application code. For example, if a Java class had an import statement for "tinfour.standard.IncrementalTin", it would have to change to "org.tinfour.standard.IncrementalTin". Because this package naming convention is required for distributing code under the Maven build environment, it will become a permanent fixture in future Tinfour software distributions.