Since version 2 is still in a very experimental stage and needs a complete revision, I thought, that it might be the time, to implement some of the version-2-ideas into the current version 1.
Major changes and enhancements
- latest OpenCV 3.x and everything at the Java level
- support for transparency
- revision of the text/OCR feature now based on Tess4J (wrapper around latest Tesseract 3.x)
- packaging reduced to downloadable, ready-to-use API and IDE jars (bye, bye Setup ;-)
- revision of the IDE and its feature implementations
Be aware This version is a developement version and currently only available as nightly build.
Here you can read more about the changes/enhancements
You need at least Java 8, but it works on Java 9, 10, 11 also
Developement is done on Java 11 now (OpenJDK release)
The repository URL:
The coordinates are:
Works out of the box for Mac and Windows
For Linux you have to make the prerequisites OpenCV and Tesseract ready (for HowTo look here)