Hosted at
- PHP —
apt install php
- SQLite3 —
apt install sqlite3
- PHP SQLite3 module —
apt install php-sqlite3
- Ruby —
apt install ruby
- SQLite Ruby gem —
apt install ruby-sqlite3
/apt install libsqlite3-dev
+gem install sqlite3
- Discordrb —
gem install discordrb
(may also require Ruby dev librarires)
The SQLite3 database ./posts.db
is based off of a denormalized “MySQLicious” style solution to tagging. The sole table tbl1
looks like this:
content | tags | date |
hello world | blog | 1702771451 |
testing new things | blog dev | 1702795393 |
The Discord bot written in Ruby acts as a client to communicate with the PHP server indirectly. Commands are written to a server with it like such:
Creating a blog post
+ ex | +
tags | blog dev
content | testing new things
or removing one
- ex | -
date | 1702795393