a pytorch gan framework
As GAN develop so quickly, keeping up to date matters
Providing GAN specific features as possible i.e modular,but keep Flexible as possible
- AdaIn, Spectral normalization, skip connections, resnets
- Out-of-box Models
- Trainer:train_generator, train_discriminator
- GAN Loss
- Metrics
- Demo
Production oriented, Research Friendly
- distributed training(multiple gpus and multiple machines)
- easy to deploy on production(performance optimized for mobile platform and server side)
Custom Datasets & Pretrained Models provided in GANHub
Easy to extension For Example
- do config through args file for each model
- train_gene
- well structured code(object oriented programming)
well tested, as close as possible to official sota effect
Inspired by following frameworks
progressive growing (pggan) self-attention
style-based generator(stylegan)
Non-Saturating Loss + R1/R2 WGAN+GP
IS(Inception Score) FID(Inception Distance) LPIPS PPL
face aligner
video interpolation reporter: tensorboard reporter
use GAN.pth framework to develop following apps as demos
- Vanilla GAN
Please access [GANHub]https://github.com/habout632/GANHub) for more demos, datasets, pretrained networks.
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