- The internet is a wonderful and informative platform. While we can leverage its potential to gain information about anything and everything, it also brings a lot of potential risk. The vulnarability while exploring the web brings a risk of showcasing us along with the children, with certain information which might bring a feeling of uncomfortability, destruction etc.
- Violent scenes are “scenes one would not let an 8 year old child see because they contain physical violence”.
This GitHub repository is intended to automatically classify the video content into violent or non-violent using the method of Deep Learning.
The visual and audio dataset information has been collected from Hollywood Movies and YouTube. The folder [annotations] contain the textual information about the violance annotations of the visual and audio modelarity. It has space-separated text format where each line in the former compiles to the structure: start-frame end-frame whereas, each line in the latter compiles to the structure: start-frame end-frame (concept-detail) Or start-second end-second (concept-detail)
The ipynb file- [DataAnalysis] contains the analysis of textual data or the informative dataset in the form of respective clear graph for the different datils of concept.
These links contain the final Jupyter Notebook on Google Collab.
Notebook link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1w-hwquWq4Xl5MtDYPZhtrvctDLhCoyPX
Data: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tSQrbXJ4dz-39xHSPYli3ePYZzKFl0T3 Note that, the dataset is under a license which prevents it from unauthorized sharing. It is provided here only for reference and must not be shared. Access will be removed after the hack is over.