React audio components for making music in the browser.
React treats UI as a function of state. This library aims to treat music as a function of state, rendering sound instead of UI. Visual components live side by side with Reactronica, sharing the same state and elegantly kept in sync.
Uses ToneJS under the hood. Inspired by React Music.
Warning: Highly experimental. APIs will change.
$ npm install --save reactronica
Note: Use React version >= 16.8 as Hooks are used internally.
To get started quickly with Create React App and Reactronica, just run the command below:
$ npx create-react-app my-app --template reactronica
import React from 'react';
import { Song, Track, Instrument, Effect } from 'reactronica';
const Example = () => {
return (
// Top level component must be Song, with Tracks nested inside
<Song bpm={90} isPlaying={true}>
// Array of several types
// Note in string format
// Object with note name and duration
{ name: 'C3', duration: 0.5 },
{ name: 'D3', duration: 0.5 },
// Array of strings for chords
['C3', 'G3'],
// Array of objects for chords
{ name: 'C3', duration: 0.5 },
{ name: 'G3', duration: 0.5 },
// Callback for every tick
onStepPlay={(step, index) => {
doSomething(step, index);
<Instrument type="synth" />
{/* Add effects chain here */}
<Effect type="feedbackDelay" />
<Effect type="distortion" />
C3: 'path/to/kick.mp3',
D3: 'path/to/snare.mp3',
E3: 'path/to/hihat.mp3',
// Add some notes here to play
notes={[{ name: 'C3' }]}
# Link local version of Reactronica
$ npm link
# Start Reactronica component build watch
$ npm start
# To run website docs, in new terminal:
$ cd website
# Link local version of Reactronica to website and use React version from Reactronica
# (Otherwise you'll get a `Hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component.`)
$ npm run link
# Start up website!
$ npm start
- for the drum sounds
MIT © unkleho