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hadrienl edited this page Apr 23, 2013 · 3 revisions

special tags


Insert a template content from the file "templatename.tpl.html" placed in same module folder


 * File located in views/myview/myview.view.js
 * @module myapp/views/myview
MyView = Y.Base.create('MyView', Y.ys.View, [], {
}, {
    ATTRS: {
        template: {
            value: {$myview.tpl}

With a template file located in views/myview/templates/myview.tpl.html:

Hello World!

Will generate :

 * File located in views/myview/myview.view.js
 * @module myapp/views/myview
MyView = Y.Base.create('MyView', Y.ys.View, [], {
}, {
    ATTRS: {
        template: {
            value: '<p>'+
'    Hello World!'+


generate a classname from the module name and the given parameter. If this tag is used in myapp/views/myview module, the classname will be 'myapp-views-myview-foobar'.


 * @module myapp/views/myview
var NS = 'myapp',

CLASS_TITLE = {$classname:'title'},
CLASS_SNIPPET = {$classname:'snippet'};

Will generate :

 * @module myapp/views/myview
var NS = 'myapp',

CLASS_TITLE = 'myapp-views-myview-title',
CLASS_SNIPPET = 'myapp-views-myview-snippet';

And will be used to retrieve nodes in your view's container.

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