FLASK-PASETO adds basic support for PASETO v2 to your Flask app.
Flask-Paseto relies on paseto which in turns relies on pysodium.
pysoduim is a wrapper for the popular libsoduim cryptography library.
This guide shows how to install libsodium on mac and windows.
on linux libsodium could be install using sudo apt-get install -y libsodium-dev
or yum install libsodium
depending on your linux distribution.
To install Flask-Paseto use the command below to get the latest version
pip install flask_paseto
import pysodium
from flask_paseto import (
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['PASETO_SECRET_KEY'] = '0'*32 # must be 32 byte
pk, sk = pysodium.crypto_sign_keypair()
paseto = Paseto(app)
def protected():
claims = get_paseto_claim()
return jsonify(claims), 200
def create_token():
ret = {'access_token': create_access_token({'test user':'yes'})}
return jsonify(ret), 200
def create_public_token():
ret = {'access_token': create_access_token_public({'public test user':'yes'})}
return jsonify(ret), 200
def protected_public():
claims = get_paseto_claim_public()
return jsonify(claims), 200
The client http request must provide a generated paseto token
GET /protected/public HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer v2.local.epxJJp-rchdlMondp12dxN9MV7GACjW0swwyOgo5pliQo2fJmC-1WqhrmWDTQBkg08In7zXD6ieM-xpaY2eMWr-mAu64nVi8VvTWi5bc3dhGHGR-Mg8QQ8HJIzPldLfSDLQXwQ
Option | Description |
PASETO_SECRET_KEY | This is the secret key used by paseto to sign your data. It requires 32 byte strings |
PASETO_PUBLIC_KEY | This is the public key generated as part of the key pair generated for paseto |
PASETO_PRIVATE_KEY | This is the private key generated as part of the key pair generated for paseto |
PASETO_EXPIRATION_DELTA | The additional time from the current time the token was created before expiration |