This Caffe package is configured for iOS version only. Here is the instruction:
- Build Caffe lib for iOS: Run these commands to build caffe lib.
--- For iOS device
$ export DEVICE=iPhoneOS
--- For simulator
$ export DEVICE=iPhoneSimulator
$ ./tools/
The lib outcomes are located 'build' folders (e.g. build_iPhoneOS, build_iPhoneSimulator).
- Integrate to iOS project.
- The demo is on Objective - C
- Use DemoiOS project as an example.
- DemoiOS: Face detection - MobileNet + SSD
- Structure of project see folder:
for libs directory. You can config in your own way. - Go to build setting of Xcode project:
Other Linker Flags
for .a filesHeader Search Path
for include files.
- Structure of project see folder:
- Caffe models: MobileNet + SSD
- Pretrained normally caffe model: repo of SSD link
- Convert
: Use script intools
folder:python net.prototxt
If you have any problems in deployment, please let me know.