Ansible Role for Atlassian Bamboo Installation.
This role require Ansible 1.9 or higher.
This role was designed for Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
bamboo_archive | yes | defaults/main.yml | Download archive filename for cache during (re)install. | |
bamboo_catalina | yes | /usr/share/bamboo | Location for the Bamboo installation directory. | |
bamboo_connector_port | yes | 8085 | Bamboo Apache Tomcat connector port. | |
bamboo_hash_salt | yes | defaults/main.yml | Specific password hash salt for sha512. | |
bamboo_home | yes | /var/lib/bamboo | Location for the Bamboo home directory. | |
bamboo_jvm_maximum_memory | yes | 1024m | Bamboo JVM maximum memory usage. | |
bamboo_jvm_minimum_memory | yes | 512m | Bamboo JVM minimum memory usage. | |
bamboo_jvm_support_recommended_args | no | defaults/main.yml | Atlassian Support recommended JVM arguments. | |
bamboo_pass | yes | yav0nooR | Password for Bamboo system user. | |
bamboo_proxy_name | no | null |
Pass value as proxyName to template. |
bamboo_scheme | no | null |
Install Bamboo in standalone mode if null , or integrating with Apache using HTTP if http , or integrating with Apache using HTTPS if https . |
bamboo_server_port | yes | 8007 | Bamboo Apache Tomcat server port. | |
bamboo_sha256 | yes | defaults/main.yml | Download archive sha256 checksum for cache during (re)install. | |
bamboo_upgrade | no | false |
If true , trigger upgrade by stop existing Bamboo service, purge existing Bamboo installation direcoty before normal tasks. |
bamboo_url | yes | defaults/main.yml | URL for download archive. | |
bamboo_user | yes | bamboo | Username for Bamboo system user. |
No additional role dependencies.
- hosts: servers
- { role: hswong3i.bamboo, bamboo_user: 'bamboo', bamboo_pass: 'yav0nooR', bamboo_upgrade: 'false' }
- Wong Hoi Sing Edison