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MoneyWise is a modern financial management application designed to help individuals and families track, analyze, and optimize their finances effectively. With a focus on user experience and powerful features, MoneyWise makes managing money easy and intuitive.

Visit MoneyWise here!


  • Track income, expenses, and balances.
  • Manage personal and family finances with seamless mode switching.
  • Analyze financial data with visual insights using bar and pie charts.
  • User-friendly UI powered by Tailwind CSS.
  • Real-time data synchronization with React-Query.

Built With

  • Next.js 14 - A framework for building fast, server-rendered React applications.
  • TypeScript - Ensures code reliability and maintainability.
  • Prisma ORM - For seamless database integration and management.
  • Tailwind CSS - For designing a modern, responsive user interface.
  • React-Query - For efficient state management and real-time updates.

Areas for Improvement

MoneyWise is constantly evolving to provide a better experience. Below are the planned improvements:

  1. Auto-Update Balances
    Automatically update balance, expense, and income fields upon adding a transaction.

  2. Transfer Feature
    Introduce a "Transfers" feature to enable moving funds between accounts. Research best practices for implementation.

  3. Edit Transaction
    Allow users to modify existing transactions for flexibility and accuracy.

  4. Bar Chart Improvement
    Enhance the bar chart visuals for better data representation.

  5. Mobile UI Fixes
    Adjust button positioning on mobile devices for a seamless experience.

  6. Picker Adjustments
    Fix the out-of-bounds issue for emoji and date pickers.

  7. Future Feature: CSV Import
    Enable importing transactions via CSV files for easier data migration.

  8. Sign-In Fix
    Transition sign-in functionality from Clerk Development to production-ready settings.

  9. Family Mode
    Expand Family Mode functionality for shared financial management.

  10. Bulk Delete
    Add a feature to delete multiple transactions at once for easier data management.

  11. Percentage Difference
    Display percentage differences in income/expenses from previous periods.

  12. Pie Chart Categorization
    Introduce pie charts for categorizing transactions for improved data visualization.


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas or want to fix a bug, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Getting Started

To run MoneyWise locally:

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd moneywise
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Configure Authentication:
    MoneyWise uses Clerk for user authentication.
    Set up your Clerk project and add the required Clerk environment variables to your .env.local file and also add these lines:

  4. Set up the database:
    Find the schema.prisma file configure it like so:

    datasource db {
      provider = "sqlite" 
      url      = env("file:./dev.db")

    Then, migrate the database schema:

    npx prisma migrate dev
  5. Run the development server:

    npm run dev
  6. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the app.


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