comment text length must be less than 256.
user name length must be less than 256.
user must see login page at first.
- next
- error
- chatlist
- template
- layout ... layout.html
- content ... login.html
user success to login, then can see chatlist.
- next
- some chat
- error (when chat name too long)
- template
- layout ... layout.html
- content ... chatlist.html
in some chat, user can comment.
- next
- some chat
- chatlist
- error (when comment too long)
- template
- layout ... layout.html
- content ... somechat.html
when something cause error, handle shows error page.
- next
- login
- template
- layout ... layout.html
- content ... error.html
use postgresql
- number_of_user
- int
- not null
- number_of_chat
- int
- not null
- number_of_user
- create_user_id
- int
- not null
- create_user_name
- varchar[256]
- not null
- create_date
- date
- not null
- ex) '2018-10-01'
- chat_hash
- varchar[256]
- not null
- primary key
- chat_name
- varchat[256]
- not null
- number_of_comment
- int
- not null
- create_user_id
- comment_id
- int
- not null
- primary key
- comment_text
- varchar[256]
- not null
- create_user_id
- int
- not null
- create_user_name
- varchar[256]
- not null
- create_date
- date
- not null
- chat_hash
- varchar[256]
- not null
- comment_id
- user_id
- int
- not null
- user_name
- varchar[256]
- not null
- user_password
- varchar[256]
- not null
- create_date
- date
- not null
- session_state
- bool
- not null
- session_id
- varchar[256]
- user_id
sessionCheck check user session_state is valid, then return bool.
In Handler,
If is valid, Handler check session_id and transfer user to chatlist.
Else, Handler check session_id. If it exist as string, it means that in past session is interrupted.
type http.Cookie struct {
Name: "_cookie",
Value: sessionID,
HttpOnly: true,
user have cookie of session_id as random string.
If cookie of session_id user have is same to session_id server have in postgres, user can login automaticaly.
If User don't has Cookie of session_id, there is something wrong, for expample User close browser without doing logout.