- WAFACLs to support IPV6
- waf service to support IPV6 CIDRs
- initial deployment contract support (#800)
- support recommended token auth method for Pinpoint channels (#805)
- update input regex for alb service logs table
- connectionTimeout attribute
- autoMinorVersionUpdate flag for Amazon MQ resource
- cdn origin request policy headers
- update changelog (#804)
- pin cfn-lint for now to pass the tests and produce uncicyle
Full set of changes: 9.1.0...latest
- (s3): batch replication support (#801)
- (user): add permissions boundary arn config (#799)
- add the cluster type when calling snapshot username (#796)
- (baseline): add sqs extension (#792)
- (db): add storage type configuration support (#790)
- cdn aliases (#789)
- instance type support for lb
- add support for kms replication of objects
- (topic): add fixed endpoint subscriptions (#786)
- (waf): enable waf and add challenges (#784)
- (user): name format handling
- (vpcendpoint): source vpc endpoint extension (#777)
- (user): source IP filtering
- SQS and SNS endpoint policies (#775)
- (ec2): lb fixed target mapping (#774)
- (lb): client IP control (#773)
- (iam): extend use of the large policy setup
- (vpcendpoint): policy support (#764)
- (apigateway): private APIs (#762)
- (mta): stop after match
- changelog pipeline (#803)
- (cdn): restrict CDN region check lookup (#798)
- (ec2): update ssh key env lookup (#797)
- (ecs): policy split for ecs tasks (#795)
- target group sg lookup
- typo in templates
- (ecs): memory and lb complex configuration (#794)
- (correspondent): only deploy for right template type (#793)
- (topic): kms permissions (#791)
- (firewall): add both log destinations for all
- (datafeed): support subset passes (#782)
- (ecs): round max memory when calculated
- (gateway): route table collection
- add note for migration
- ec2 sec groups and ecs ids
- (gateway): duplicate route table ids (#770)
- (gateway): duplicate route table ids (#769)
- (account): disable cloudtrail by default
- (objectsql): permissions state details
- docker image tag extension (#765)
- (cdn): extraneous resources in lg pass (#761)
- (datafeed): check for undeployed lambda (#781)
- (datafeed): undeployed lambda functions (#778)
- remove use of component ids
- update changelog (#785)
- update actions pipelines (#802)
- update changelog (#760)
- (datapipeline): remove support for AWS data pipeline
Full set of changes: 8.9.0...9.1.0
- (ecs): control if ec2 asg should be created
- (waf): label matching and vendor overrides
- (network): support default sg nacl control
- support for custom body block responses
- (waf): add support for regex pattern set
- (userpool): enable support for schema attr
- (ecs): task cpu, depends on, readonly
- add support for multiple paths on lb (#729)
- (lb): add support for multi value in lb lambda (#727)
- (mta): Add support for bounces on receive (#724)
- (baseline): cmk access for cloudwatch service
- (cdn): include body for lambda@edge
- add support for allExcept on cachepolicy (#721)
- (rds): add support for cloudwatch log export (#719)
- (es): extend encrypotion config and custom endpoints (#718)
- add smtp endpoint address to send mta (#715)
- (sqs): add support for enabling SSE on sqs
- (module): add ses send events to service logs
- (module): add ses based mail sender with log (#712)
- (baseline): add image reference update runbook
- (secretstore): add descriptions on secrets (#703)
- (s3): add support for in-transit https policy
- remove the user defined boostrap process
- (ecr): extended repository configuration
- (ecs): add support for container insights
- (runbooks): shorter names and pull image
- (userpool): define email from address (#696)
- (s3): add support for replication v2 (#690)
- (userpool): control hosted ui setup (#686)
- (cloudtrail): Add support for cloudtrail (#687)
- (iam): add support for not actions on policies (#688)
- oversize handling and method fieldtotest (#685)
- (ecs): propagate service tags to tasks (#682)
- (db): add support for RDS Proxies (#678)
- (images): add support for images on components
- (image): Adds aws image component
- (lb): handle the documented lb default priority (#759)
- (baseline): permissions for logging
- (secretstore): handle missing cmk
- (api): build info sourcing (#753)
- (s3): inbound link permissions for cdn
- (cdn): link to cachepolicy
- (api): image registry type access
- (api): spec download logic
- (apigateway): image source type checking
- image copying from registry
- (image): include tag state from output (#745)
- (baseline): default file path for image pull
- (baseline): data bucket object ownership
- (image): s3 path when pull image
- (image): source values (#741)
- (waf): align inbuilt rules config
- (sqs): typo in sqs encryption policy
- else statement for network acl creation
- map for ipset
- (networking): handling of missing port on acl
- (s3): allow external policy sharing on public
- (baseline): provide correct image for pull (#733)
- readonly attribute assignment
- lb path for state attribute (#730)
- container image reference (#728)
- handle cmk based encryption at rest (#725)
- (elasticache): Use number based logic for retention (#720)
- (baseline): add extra policies for cmk
- (lb): backend support for lambda (#716)
- (module): update link to basline component (#714)
- (lb): remove waf version lookup on lb (#709)
- remove version on setupWAFRule call (#708)
- remove version from waf rule lookup (#707)
- (image): handle single level docker tags
- (baselinedata): policy lookup on suboccurrence (#695)
- (s3): add delete marker replication handling (#693)
- (ecs): handle secrets on ec2 tasks (#692)
- athena s3 policy (#691)
- (images): output based reference handling (#689)
- (es): logging configuration (#684)
- (image): case handling for image sources (#681)
- (es): log group setup for occurrence (#683)
- (image): update image push runbooks (#679)
- (dnszone): add domain configuration if setup (#680)
- update shared release workflow version
- bugfix for aurora scaling
- (lambda): remove env vars for lambda@edge
- (images): remove filename from CODE_SRC_PREFIX config for mobileapp component (#673)
- (baseline): bucket policy extensions (#757)
- (baseline): bucket policy
- replace reference with function lookups
- (s3): object ownership support (#732)
- update policy for aws service to cmk
- (mta): move to using cfn for config set
- (waf): remove wafv1 support
- allow manual trigger of release
- github actions
- (images): Update testing
Full set of changes: 8.8.2...8.9.0
- (user): pseudo stack handling and ses removal
- OWASP profile handling and action formatting
- (waf): handle WAFProfiles and metric name
- (db): BASH_SOURCE usage in bash scripts
- (apigateway): authorization values (#666)
- (apigateway): Authorization header passthrough (#665)
- (apigateway): origin request policy (#664)
- (cdn): Update origin link attribute name
- (iam): remove transitional policy support (#663)
Full set of changes: 8.8.1...8.8.2
- (network): dns resolver resource references (#661)
- (datacatalog): add subset filter for resources
Full set of changes: 8.8.0...8.8.1
- (waf): add support for more wafv2 rules
- (s3): disable public access by default
- (module): add aws s3 service log datacatalog (#647)
- (cw): ensure lambda is deleted with canary
- (userpool): add solution callback urls
- (catalog): add base testing
- (datacatalog): initial support using Glue
- (network): add control over flowlog prefix (#648)
- (globaldb): add support for enabling indexes
- add default header policy for placeholders
- (cdn): add enable/disable for error responses
- (cloudfront): complex cdn scenarios
- (cdn): origin request policy headers (#657)
- engine case for rule lookup
- (cdn): use cloudformation to find cdn id
- (network): handle missing subnet lookup
- (s3): oai permissions (#653)
- (windows): logContent setup for windows logging
- SerDe naming
- (cdn): Redirect processing (#643)
- (waf): various fixes in WAF Handling
- (ecs): handle container tagging for ecs version
- (mobileapp): lookup for firebase properties (#641)
- (mobileapp): testing updates
- dynamic value setup for aws secrets
- smtp user permissions in module
- (filetransfer): log group name for subscription
- remove app public attributes
- fall through on missing network
- remove redundant line from script
- (image): use container repository for images
- (ecs): skip lb processing when no lb port
- (efs): correct tag format for access points
- (cloudwatch): dependencies on subscription
- (dnszone): add deployment subset check
- typo in test module
- (cdn): add type checks and fix resource name
- (spa): cdn reference for path
- (cw): update permissions for cw logs to kinesis (#634)
- (lambda): check deployment units on function
- (network): checks for networked tiers (#645)
- (mobileapp): build configuration updates
- remove public app data prefixes
- (network): remove use of segmentObject
- (ec2): av migration to shared provider
- update changelog (#630)
- (cdn): add testing and fixes
Full set of changes: 8.7.0...8.8.0
- (baseline): extension and policy support
- (lb): lambda backend support for lb (#626)
- queue topic permission extensions (#618)
- (image): aws support for the image component
- (runbook): add push_image runbook for images
- adds extensions and tasks for image management
- (lambda): lambda aliases (#606)
- (dyanmicvalues): add support for aws secrets as dynamic values
- (correspondent): add support for AWS pinpoint channels
- (lb): add support for enabling/disbaling conditions
- incorporate feedback
- (cert): raise error on invalid FQDN
- support dns zone creation without network (#619)
- (lb): expand permissions for lambda invoke (#629)
- error messages for port lookups (#628)
- (lb): protocol checks for nlb
- (lb): action lookup for network load balancer (#623)
- (computetask): windows directory creation (#622)
- (directory): handle missing config connector
- (healthcheck): add iam service to setup
- (lb): create alerts across all occurrences
- (waf): support v1 -> v2 migrations
- (db): aurora cluster backups (#616)
- (lambda): size checking (#609)
- (apigateway): handle open ip address groups (#608)
- (apigateway): reference versioned lambdas
- (lb): standard error for invalid port mapping
- (ecs): lg pass handling (#607)
- update changelog (#599)
Full set of changes: 8.6.2...8.7.0
- (ec2): number formatting for priorities
- (ssm): tag properties for ssm resourcs
- (logs): fix tags applied to log subscription role
- (apigateway): OPTIONS handling with authorisers
- (volumemounts): update Ids and properties in volume mounts
- (kms): policies for kms encryption from via services
- (lb): use shared security group for backends
- (cd): move to using a reusable pipeline for changelogs (#592)
- update changelog (#590)
- changelog bump
- changelog bump
Full set of changes: 8.6.0...8.6.2
- (vpc): support creating security groups without inbound ports
- (lb): add support for lb backends
- (datafeed): add support for data streams as a source
- (cdn): rule priority sorting
- aws logstore implementation (#573)
- (rds): event support (#569)
- occurrence level configuration tagging
- (lambda): sqs batch control
- (task): add secrets manager get secret task
- (datastream): aws implementation of data stream (#575)
- (lambda): versioned lambda retention policy (#574)
- (alertslack): allow setting runtime with param (#570)
- (alerts): add filter on alerts for enable status
- add docdb support (#521)
- add SES SMTP user module
- (task): add ses smtp password generation task
- (ec2): support IPAddress groups and LB on same port
- only include enabled occurrences in suboccurrence processing
- (lambda): provisioned executions (#559)
- (dnszone): add support for private vpc zones
- remove auto state generation for fixutre testing
- (secretsmanager): add read write support fo secrets
- (certificateauthority): intial support with ACMPCA
- (apigateway): mutual TLS attribute (#548)
- policy chunking (#545)
- ec2 resource outputs and replace updates
- (cdn): only add enabled event handlers
- add s3 runbook tasks
- (cdn): add error for wrong logging region
- (lb): add support for alb as a network target (#537)
- add role tag to components if present
- (ec2): zone based control for instances
- (ecs): tags handling (#588)
- handle missing link
- (datastream): typo in attribute name
- (globaldb): tag function call
- (sqs): add dlqName back into setup routine
- handle empty tag sets
- add backup tags for dds
- spelling in message
- (s3): handle notifications for endpoints already deployed
- casing for MulitAZ attribute
- format json content for run task module
- (ec2): fix ordering for cfn init commands
- (ecs): ensure subnets are always treated as an array
- (ecs): paramter types for templates
- typo
- (lb): use suboccurrence for static forwardning
- testing updates (#556)
- various updates from testing
- log and account processing
- include Value in getReference
- (computecluster): general fixes
- (iam): inline policy creation from policy set (#547)
- (backupstore): tag based conditions
- typo in message
- (apigateway): authorization models (#581)
- (network): remove baseline components that aren't required
- network subnet function
- move test module loading to product layer
- multiAZ migration to component configuration
- (iam): limits used for policy splitting (#549)
- (datavolume): zone filter support for volume mounts
- (datavolume): remove backups from datavolume
Full set of changes: 8.5.0...8.6.0
- add additional runbook tasks and modules
- use local engine setup for testing
- (spa): force max-age for config (#530)
- (adaptor): adaptor alert support
- add run ecs task support for runbooks
- (mta): add enable/disable handling on rules
- (directory): log forwarding support (#517)
- (s3): backup support (#516)
- (kinesis): compression support for firehose
- (globaldb): cloudwatch alarms (#508)
- (backup): Initial AWS implementation (#507)
- (logs): add support for at rest encryption of cw logs
- add baseline encryption module
- (ecs): support for ecs exec
- extended runbooks for access
- (cdn): add support for origin connection timeouts
- segment seed fixture value (#535)
- region lookup for resources
- (healthcheck): add more entropy to naming of health checks
- (db): secret lookup for engine setup
- typo in module
- (healthceheck): testing changes from type to engine
- remove use of isPresent for AV setup
- ipmatch and geomatch for wafv2 (#518)
- (db): aurora cluster updates
- (task): kms encrypt parameters
- efs mount script formatting
- (db): ingress security group id
- (sns): add support for encrypted topics
- (lb): logging profile for WAF logs (#510)
- (cdn): missing logging profile for waf logging
- (cdn): logging script for wafv1
- clean up old if statement
- (s3): replication validation checking
- align the run task module to task
- update ecs task configuration after testing
- move to latest unicycle install process
- update district to district type on group filter (#534)
- move ecs container setup to aws provider
- update iam standard policy name
- (iam): standard policies for app components
- (s3): use references for bucket policy
- backup encryption key (#512)
- (backup): Configuration options (#511)
- attribute sets for global configuration
- changelog bump (#497)
Full set of changes: 8.4.0...8.5.0
- pg_dump runbook
- bastion module with ssh runbook
- (baseline): add ssh key as an attribute
- (lambda): layers and jar file support (#489)
- ensure inline code changes on update
- wafv2
- wafv2
- wafv2
- (apigateway): Execution Log Control (#476)
- (kinesis): ErrorType in prefix (#472)
- (kinesis): Prefix time path control (#471)
- add tests for secretstore generation
- (db): add support for secretstore root creds
- add extra details to secret resources
- (ecs): add gpu support to task definitions
- (kinesis): Finer grained partition control
- (ecs): secret injection support
- sesout email identity support
- kinesis dynamic partitioning
- mta inbound role support
- outbound mta
- (subscription): Add filter policy (#447)
- testing and fixups
- include domain name in attributes
- (efs): support fsx-windows
- add route53 resolver for AD domain
- enable cfn-lint on all test profiles
- (directory): add aws ad connector
- add s3 replica to account deployments
- (lb): add support for monitoring port resource
- add support for startup action on vpngw
- (secretstore): secret creation
- (s3): bucket location permissions
- vpn inside tunnel config
- (clientvpn): adds support for client vpns
- (lb): support for advanced conditions
- new components (#413)
- (linux): cfn-hup support for linux (#420)
- (av): Add config options for windefender
- enable cfnlint for testing
- (lambda): ensure layers is not null (#490)
- (bastion): hanlde replacement for ec2 instances
- (apigateway): fix id lookup on waf setup
- (apigateway): handle missing log group on creation
- s3 versioning without lifecycle management (#486)
- mta rule references
- run code join in resource
- s3 topic queue permission checking
- type structure
- (cloudwatchslack): change topic priority
- ebs volume zone lookup
- lowercase version
- (s3): allow for notifications to be disabled
- secretLink setup
- root credential link fix
- db secret lookup
- handle state lookup before deployment
- Admin username condition
- (directory): handle the rename of root to Admin
- (network): add outputs for key vpc resources
- (kinesis): double slash in prefixes
- reference for secret link access
- syntax error
- execution role for task
- (kinesis): minimum buffer hint (#466)
- email identity (#465)
- (ecs): support aws prefix for awsvpc
- kinesis firehose s3 record delimiters
- (mta): send SNS topic subscriptions
- policy migration for outbound emails
- default principals
- per AZ vpc endpoints (#458)
- revert log stream names
- Kinesis delivery stream S3 permissions
- ses account deployment unit name
- (lb): target group id lookup (#452)
- (ds): security group update fix (#440)
- (lb): handle missing alerts on lbport
- typo in vpn config
- handle missing startup action
- generated secret macro
- update function name for queuehost
- (healthcheck): update Type property to Engine
- service definition
- (mta): sns policy for notifications
- handle change to secret store link attribute
- (ds): icmp non-global security rule (#438)
- (ds): Remove redundant sg and modify sg to align with IPAddressGroups (#428)
- (s3): handle full access to buckets
- include dependencies option
- (directory): add dependency on root creds
- various vpn gateway fixes
- (router): handling of local transit gws
- install engine before set
- accountRegion access
- segmentSeed accessor
- revert bucket access
- error typo
- (av): correct unconfigure for av
- (awswin): refactor volmount to handle cfn-hup
- (awswin): cfn-hup support added
- db zone handling
- typo
- (tags): ensure values exist before use
- (directory): hostname configuration option
- check for assigment type (#415)
- align ssh_session module with new syntax
- containerregistry source details
- removal of implicit Enabled attribute (#491)
- always call invokeExtensions
- remove plural types on attribute set
- (mta): update send configuration for mta
- move role to default component config
- (topic): move sns topic policy to topic
- delivery stream encrpytion changes (#457)
- align rename of component type for efs
- rename efs to fileshare
- split efs and fsx services
- replace eval with eval_json
- make transitgw routes based on CIDR
- accessor function names
- setContext wrapper functions (1)
- cfn-lint configuration
- use aws cli query for regions
- remove dos2unix
- (directory): attributes and ip access
- changelog bump (#355)
Full set of changes: 8.3.0...8.4.0
- (ds): New Component - Directory Services (#392)
- (av): Windows Defender logging to CloudWatch and definition updates (#409)
- (cache): handle new redis versions
- (firewall): fix link issue for destinations
- (firewall): destination route support (#405)
- (lb): add check for conditions on default
- (cdn): include internal fqdn in state
- (gateway): support IGW internal routing
- add tests for hostname filter checking
- (iam): tags (#386)
- add support for http backends on cdn
- initial test cases for firewall
- add initial firewall implementation
- add support for resource type mocks
- (apigateway): tags (#371)
- add route53resolver service
- (network): dns query logging
- windows based ec2 instances (#301)
- (SNS): tags
- add all account units
- (tests): add basic testing for service
- support output suffixes on template setup
- set larger default value for SQS MessageRetentionPeriod
- (bastion): fix eip allocation
- (firewall): align routes to AZ endpoints
- (cache): zone config params
- (firewall): provide occurrence for ip address
- (firewall): missing reference for stateful rule (#404)
- typo
- (igw): firewall route hanlding
- (queuehost): reference to wrong sec group id
- (firewall): include sid for stateful rules (#399)
- whatif processing (#400)
- API Gateway deployment tags (#401)
- (network): handling missing network on segments (#398)
- (baseline): handle aws required ssh key format
- (firewall): s3 log type detection
- openapi stripping (#395)
- handle empty domain names on api gateway
- force certificate if required
- (lb): allow hostname config on http and https
- (lb): handle missing fqdn (#377)
- set windows instance sizes to usable defaults
- network tests (#382)
- legacy VPC detection
- vpc mock value
- service definition details
- handle missing domains for cert formatting
- bastion eip
- account cmk deployment scope
- missing deployment unit
- (ecs): fix profile lookup for subcomponents (#357)
- (lb): support for default rule control
- (network): testing updates
- use paramters for az - cfnlint
- move fqdn and certs to state
- testing updates
- (network): testing coverage
Full set of changes: 8.2.1...8.3.0
- syntax typo
- (ci): tag push tigger
- release process tag support
Full set of changes: 8.2.0...8.2.1
- draft changelog pr
- s3 flowlog expiration (#343)
- move testing to Github Actions
- (secretsmanager): make kms optional
- (template): parameter macro support
- (userpool): add issuer url in state attributes
- symlink for docker-compose install
- add support Startup Timeout configuration
- management port configuration
- (ecs): add support for placement strategies
- (dataset): basic tests for dataset component
- (dataset): add support for external s3 sets
- add support for docker packaging
- (lambda): check env size (#320)
- (datapieline): base testing module
- (datapipeline): adds support for url image
- change priority on default vpcendpoints
- (ci): default docker tagging handling
- dockerignore for git
- minor updates and fix changelog version
- (lb): missing route table link
- trigger package after testing
- (ci): control push based on ref
- use latest for unreleased updates
- (ecs): handle daemon launch mode for ec2 hosts
- (adaptor): asfile settings handling
- (secretsmanager): make secret string optional
- changelog generation
- bootstrap casing fixes
- (ci): add pull request trigger
- add pr build support
- update get profile calls (#334)
- API Gateway Schema naming constraint (#323)
- (lb): only validate cert when required
- (lambda): revert environment variable refactor
- (s3): list permissions for s3 buckets
- add pregeneration subset
- use array for ssh keys
- (ci): install stable cli and update tags
- (ci): ignore the git dir in docker
- remove direct references to region (#349)
- volume handling on ec2 instances
- (es): rename storage profile config
- standarise the profile lookup process
- remove use of segmentQualifier (#325)
- update segment unit priorties
- include build details in container image
- changelog bump (#347)
Full set of changes: 8.1.2...8.2.0
- basic test for contentnode
- (contentnode): external image source support
- add tests for mobile app
- (mobileapp): image source support
- add docker and docker compose compute tasks (#292)
- (adaptor): support for adaptor attributes
- (globadb): support for change streams
- (ec2): handle post tasks for ec2
- (apigateway): mutualTLS support
- add basic tests for computecluster
- (computecluster): add image source support
- (apigateway): opeanpi fragment and vpclink
- add support for creating vpclinks on lb
- add support for API Gateway VPC link
- set healthcheck as default monitor
- base permissions policies for ec2
- (ecs): align with latest aws features
- adds support for healthchecks
- (ec2): adds support for autoscale lifecycles
- awslinux2 support for ec2 instances (#276)
- AWS image source attribute sets
- add ec2 image source support for aws
- aws compute task implementations
- private bastion (#166)
- (apigateway): Image sourcing (#267)
- (cd): setup latest hamlet on each run
- (baseline): add invoke inbound policy for data (#263)
- Cloudformation parameter support (#262)
- (sqs): ordering configuration for queues
- (userpool): adds constraints for schema (#245)
- (gateway): vpn gateway dpd action
- input seeders (#236)
- (modules): add no_master modules
- whatif input provider (#233)
- (s3): adds bucket policy for inventory (#230)
- (ec2): rename an additional authorized_keys file
- (ec2): refactor getInitConfigSSHPublicKeys method
- (ec2): SSH Key Import to ec2 instances
- baselinekey extensions and policy migration (#229)
- (s3): inventory report support
- (federatedrole): support for env in assignemnts (#217)
- (spa): image source via url (#216)
- (userpool): extension support for providers (#215)
- (template): url image source (#211)
- (s3): extension support for bucket policy #203
- add changelog generation (#210)
- (output): add replace function for outputs
- (queuehost): encrypted url and secret support
- (queuehost): initial testing
- (queuehost): aws deployment support
- (cdn): add support for external service origins
- (ecs): external image sourcing
- globaldb secondary indexes (#204)
- (kms): region based arn lookup
- (account): s3 account bucket naming
- (lambda): extension version control
- Message Transfer Agent components
- fragment to extension migration (#194)
- (alerts): get metric dimensions from blueprint (#193)
- (secretstore): secrets manager support (#189)
- (consolidatelogs): support deployment prefixes in datafeed prefix
- (datafeed): support adding deployment prefixes to datafeeds
- (logging): add deploy prefixes to log collectors
- (consolidatelogs): enable network flow log
- (baseline): s3 attrs on baseline data
- (network): user defined network flow logs
- (s3): bucket replication to ext services (#183)
- autoscale replacement updates
- patching via init script
- enable replication from baselinedata buckets to s3
- (amazonmq): add support for amazonmq as a service
- WAF logs lifecycle rule (#164)
- add compute provider support to ecs host (#150)
- (awsdiagrams): adds diagram mappings for aws resources
- resource to service mappings
- (ecs): adds support for ulimits on tasks
- authorizer lambda permissions
- copy openapi definition file to authorizers (#137)
- sync authorizer openapi spec with api
- "account" and fixed build scope (#129)
- (ecs): placement constraints
- (ecs): add hostname for a task container
- slack message on pipeline fail
- (apigateway): add quota throttling
- (apigateway): allow for throttling apigatway at api, stage and method levels
- (ecs): use deployment group filters on ecs subcomponents (#120)
- (ecs): docker based health check support
- (userpool): disable oauth on clients
- (ecs): add support for efs volume mounts to tasks
- (efs): add support for access point and iam mounts in ec2 components
- (efs): add access point provisioning and iam support
- (efs): add iam based policies and access point creation
- add base service roles to masterdata
- (filetransfer): support for security policies
- (filetransfer): base component tests
- (filetransfer): add AWS support for filetransfer component
- (waf): enable log waf logging for waf enabled services
- (ecs): support ingress links for security groups
- (cdn): support links to load balancers
- resource labels
- (lb): add LB target group monitoring dimensions
- (lb): add networkacl support for network engine (#97)
- (ssm): supports the use of a dedicated CMK for console access
- ingress/egress security group control
- add bastion to default network profile
- (vpc): security group rules - links profiles
- (s3): KMS permissions for S3 bucket access
- (s3): enable at rest-encryption on buckets
- (s3): Add resource support for S3 Encryption
- (lb): waf support for application lb
- (ec2): volume encryption
- (console): enable SSM session support for all ec2 components
- (console): service policies for ssm session manager
- (gateway): add support for destination port configuration (#62)
- (lb): static targets
- (gateway): private dns configuration
- (lb): Support for Network load balancer TLS offload
- (router): support for static routes
- (privateservice): initial implementation (#50)
- (router): always set BGP ASN
- (externalnetwork): vpn router supportf
- (gateway): vpn connections to gateways
- (gateway): private gateway support
- (externalnetwork): vpn support for external networks
- (router): add resource sharing between aws accounts
- (gateway): externalservice based router support
- (gateway): gateway support for the router component
- (router): initial support for router component in aws
- (service): add support for transitgateway resources
- (ecs): support udp based port mappings (#46)
- (globaldb): initial support for the globalDb component (#45)
- (ecs): fargate run task state support (#44)
- (apigatewa): add TLS configuration for domain names
- Enhanced checks on userpool auth provider names (#34)
- (s3): cdn list support for s3
- (mobileapp): OTA CDN on Routes
- (gateway): link based gateway support
- (userpool): get client secret on deploy
- (ecs): set launch type on scheduled tasks
- (ecs): capacity provider assocation output
- (globaldb): handle secondary indexs pay per use
- (ec2): fix load balancer registration for ec2 (#310)
- (apigateway): use correct link for CA lookup
- (computecluster): remove wait resources (#302)
- (ecs): service capacity provider usage
- update ec2 support in cfn
- alias and rename of macro for init
- (adaptor): handler image source build unit
- make env available to non-login sessions
- MTA component SES config detection (#289)
- link processing in awslinux vpx lb extension (#288)
- test outputs for capacity provider
- testing alignment
- (ec2): param options for compute tasks (#287)
- dynamic cmdb loading (#286)
- (ec2): compute task lookup location (#285)
- (ssh): append a new line after each public key (#278)
- use autoscale group name for autoscale group
- typo in attribute set type
- source details for ami
- workaround removed properties
- workaround for shared changes
- workaround os removal
- (ec2): typo in mount point check (#270)
- pseudo stacks (#268)
- set engine dir
- (template): change to virtual hosted s3 path
- remove debug statement
- handle naming changes for alerts
- enable fifo on dlq
- invalid config handling for db (#249)
- test args for hamlet cmds (#248)
- (apigateway): throttle handling for apigw
- correct a number of reference attributes
- masterdata object validation errors
- (bastion): support active config on component (#234)
- (baselinekey): update permissions for SES (#231)
- remove unnecessary sudo
- (s3): do not validate replica sequence on delete
- flowlog tidyup
- (s3): s3event to lambda fixes
- firehose encryption policy
- better control of opsdata encryption
- permission on globaldb secopndary indexes
- change log generation
- typo in switch name
- enable testing and check for link
- typo in log messaage
- (userpool): set userpool region for multi region deployments
- add lambda attributes to context (#202)
- (dynamodb): query scan permissions for read access (#201)
- s3 encryption replication role
- prodiver id migration cleanup (#196)
- (ecs): require replacement for capacity provider scaling (#192)
- (datafeed): use error prefix for errors
- (datafeed): clean prefixes for s3 destinations (#188)
- set nat gateway priority for mgmt contract
- (baseline): disable encryption at rest by default
- (baseline): use s3 encryption for opsdata
- (ecs): handle scale in protection during updates
- bastion eip subset
- (datafeed): encryption logic and disable backup (#175)
- s3 event notification lookup (#176)
- (consolidatelogs): disable log fwd for datafeed (#174)
- add description for API Gateway service role
- remove check for unique regions between replicating buckets
- (apigateway): waf depedency on stage (#163)
- (apigateway): fix new deployments without stage
- (lb): fix logging setup process (#159)
- (logstreaming): fixes to logstreaming setup
- add descriptions to service linked roles
- inbounPorts for containers (#151)
- align testcases with scenerios config (#149)
- diagram mapping for ecs (#145)
- (networkacl): use the id instead of existing ref for lookups
- formatting of definition file
- spa state handles no baseline (#136)
- don't delete authorizer openapi.json file
- fail testing fast
- globaldb sortKey logic
- (federatedrole): fix deployment subset check
- (ecs): volume driver configuration properties
- disable cfn nag on template testing
- Default throttling checks
- Allow for no patterns in apigw.json (#124)
- only check patterns for method settings if throttling set
- check pattern verb
- remove unnecessary check around methodSettings
- integration patterns into explicit method path throttles
- enable segment iam resource set (#122)
- (ecs): link id for efs setup
- (filetransfer): add support for security group updates using links
- (transfer): security policy name property
- (lambda): log watcher subscription setup
- (resourcelables): add pregeneration subset to iam resource label
- use mock runId for apigw resources
- (awstest): fix file comments
- typo in function name
- (iam): typo in resource deploy check
- only add resource sets for aws
- enable concurrent builds and remove build wait
- only alert on notifications in S3 template
- (sqs): move policy management for a queue into the component
- s3 encrypted bucket policy for ssm
- (ecs): name state for ecs service
- wording
- wording
- (segment): network deployment state lookup
- (bastion): networkprofile for bastion links
- (lb): truncate lb name
- remove FullName for backwards compat
- (lb): ensure lb name meets aws requirements
- naming fixes for large deployments
- (vpc): implement explicit control on egress
- (vpc): remove ports completey for all protocol
- (vpc): support any protocol sec group rules
- (lambda): check vpc access before creating security groups from links
- (cache): remove networkprofile param from security group
- (ecs): combine inbound ports
- (rds): handle string and int for size
- (bastion): publicRouteTable default value
- security group references for security groups
- (efs): networkacl lookup from parent
- (vpc): Check network rule array items for content
- (rds): change attribute types inline with cfn schema
- remove cf resources check
- Force lambda@edge to have no environment
- (s3): fix for buckets without encryption
- set destination ports for default private service
- (gateway): remove local route check for adding VPC routes
- (lb): minor fix for static targets
- (tests): mkdir not mrkdir
- (lb): remove debug
- (privateservice): only error during subset
- typo in gateway and router components
- (router): remove routetable requirement for external router
- (router): fix id generation for resourceShare
- (transitgateway): remove dynamic tags from cfn updates
- Permit iam/lg passes before component created
- (gateway): subset control for CFN resources
- Permit iam/lg pass for uncreated components
- (router): align macro with setup
- (gateway): spelling typo
- (cdn): add behaviour for mobile ota
- (cdn): dont use s3 website endpoint in s3 backed origins (#35)
- Gateway endpoint es role
- Auth provider configuration defaulting logic
- hamlet test generate command
- template testing script
- init configuration ordering for ec2
- check component subset for cfn resources
- use specific contexts for replaces
- reduce required templates
- (ecs): move provider attributes
- update output properties for new format
- support for compute task configuration
- support for compute tasks in init config
- update extensions for images
- move to using compute instance
- rename env vars to hamlet
- composite template inclusion (#266)
- bastion ipaddressgroups on component def (#246)
- state processing (#261)
- align with CLO update
- output hanlding in engine (#256)
- command line and masterdata access (#255)
- aws cloudwatch metrics (#253)
- use org templates as default (#242)
- migrate to context paths (#232)
- limit check of deprecated config
- define links as attributesets
- composite object types instead of type
- use replace output value
- inbound mta support
- (network): update flow log to match on action
- (consolidatelogs): remove logwatcher support
- (datafeed): update aws-specific attr desc. to explain purpos
- align setup macros with layer data changes (#153)
- align testing scenarios with new format
- switch COT to Hamlet (#134)
- replace model flows with flows
- align testing with entrances
- update output to align with flow support
- test genertion using management contract
- (ec2): add volume encryption kms key support
- replace script service linked roles with account level
- issue templates
- API Gateway and Lambda S3 config file management
- (service): variable for subnetlist resource type
- API version optional for facbook IdP
- Provider Modules (#240)
- update changelog (#308)
- (deps): bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (#303)
- (deps): bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 (#297)
- (deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (#298)
- testing for ec2 based components (#275)
- release notes
- review the plugin readme (#243)
- changelog
- changelog
- (s3): add testing for s3 notifications
- (awstest): add tests for apigateway and s3