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Hamlet Deploy Plugin - AWS

This is a Hamlet Deploy plugin repository. It extends the Hamlet Deploy application with integration with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud provider.

This repository includes a collection of hamlet plugins specific to AWS

Name Directory Description
aws aws/ Core aws functionality
awstest awstest/ Testing for aws functionality
awsdiagrams awsdiagrams/ Diagram support for aws services

See for more info on Hamlet Deploy


The AWS plugin is included as part of the standard hamlet installation. For details on installing hamlet see the install guide on our docs site.

Alternative installs

The engine install method is our recommended approach however you can also install the plugin through some additional methods

CMDB plugin

If you would like to include it we recommended adding it as a plugin in your CMDB. In your solution.json file add the following to install the latest release of the plugin

    "Segment" : {
        "Plugins" : {
            "aws" : {
                "Enabled" : true,
                "Name" : "aws",
                "Priority" : 10,
                "Required" : true,
                "Source" : "git",
                "Source:git" : {
                    "Url" : "",
                    "Ref" : "master",
                    "Path" : "aws/"

Then run the setup command to install the plugin from the segment you have the plugin installed under

hamlet setup

To update re-rerun the hamlet setup command to get the latest changes

Local clone

Run the following commands in your hamlet workspace to install a local copy

aws_clone_dir=< a path where you want to clone the plugin>
git clone ""

Then to include the plugin as part of your hamlet commands

hamlet -p aws < your command>

Or if you want to use it for all hamlet commands


To update cd into the repo where you cloned the plugin and run git pull ( hamlet plugins don't need to be compiled)


This is a plugin for the hamlet engine and won't work by itself. Usage of this provider requires the other parts of hamlet deploy

See for more information


When contributing to hamlet we recommend installing this plugin using the Local Clone method above using a fork of the repository


The plugin includes a test suite which generates a collection of deployments and checks that their content aligns with what is expected

To run the test suite locally install the hamlet cli and use the provider testing included

# install cli
pip install hamlet

# run the tests
hamlet -i mock -p aws -p awstest -f cf deploy test-deployments -o /tmp/awstests

This will run all of the tests and provide you the results. We also run this on all Pull requests made to the repository

Submitting Changes

Changes to the plugin are made through pull requests to this repo and all commits should use the conventional commit format This allows us to generate changelogs automatically and to understand what changes have been made