This Laravel application is used to find out same image from many one or more web pages matching with a provided image.
To install this application in your local machine or server, download / get github files. Create a database and execute the database script. It is a Laravel 7 application, and hence PHP >= 7.0 is required.
After installation, browse this application from any browser. As a new user, register first and then login. You will redirect to image search page where you need to input 3 values:
- Site URL : Input one or more site URL which contains images. In case of multiple URL, input each in new line.
- Tag : Input one or more Tag name separated by comma.
- An Image File : Select an image that you want to match with site images. It must be an image file.
Now, submit the form. you will be redirected to a new result page which displays links of matched images and matched tags. If you click on any image link, a lightbox will show all listed images.