Application that automatically extracts collocations from the Google 2-grams dataset using Amazon Elastic Map Reduce
Stack: AWS Java SDK, Hadoop, EMR, S3
A collocation is a sequence of words that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. The identification of collocations - such as 'crystal clear', 'cosmetic surgery' - is essential for many natural language processing and information extraction applications.
In this application, we will use log likelihood ratio in order to determine whether a given pair of ordered words is a collocation.
log likelihood ratio Page 22, Equations (5.10)
Map-Reduce program which produces the list of top-100 collocations for each decade (1990-1999, 2000-2009, etc.) for English and Hebrew, with their log likelihood ratios (in descending order).
Input: Google Bigrams
▪ English: s3://datasets.elasticmapreduce/ngrams/books/20090715/eng-us-all/2gram/data
▪ Hebrew: s3://datasets.elasticmapreduce/ngrams/books/20090715/heb-all/2gram/data
We are looking for 4 parameters to complete the equation from (5.10):
N: all words from the corpus, we count them when inputting the bigrams in the first step Map
c1: number of occurences of every 1st word in a bigram
c2: number of occurences of every 2nd word in a bigram
c1c2: number of occurences of the bigram itself (given in the input for every bigram)
for every bigram we add two keys: <w1, asterisk> and <w1,w2>
and depending on Hadoop sort & reduce we should get the count of the 1st word for every bigram in the following manner:
<w1, astersik>
<w1, w2>
<w1, w3>
<w1, w4> ...
doing the same for the 2nd word in Step2 would finally result in finding all the needed variables to calculate the Log likelihood ratio for every bigram.
Running the application: (choose only one of 1a/1b)
1a- Use Eclipse and specify Maven goals as : compile package for both projects (steps+Driver).
1b- Use cmd and navigate to the 2 projects and run this command for both "mvn compile && package"
2- The jar file from "steps" project should be uploaded to your S3 bucket (in my source code it's
uploaded to my bucket s3://emrhannaha).
3- Go to your Home directory (in Windows is usually: C:\Users\<ur username>), create directory ".aws" and
and create "credentials" file in it and fill with proper AWS credentials
4- Run the jar from the "driver" project locally on your PC with the following command:
"java -jar Mvozrot2-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ExtractCollations [heb/eng]"
(choose heb or eng but not both at once)