npInv: an accurate tool for detecting and genotyping inversion using multiple alignment long reads
Download the runnable jar such as npInv1.2.jar.
Java version 1.8+.
The input bam file requires field "MD:Z:". Expected aligner are bwa, minimap2 and ngmlr.
Program function: Read a SE bam file and get the inversion
--output[String] file to write
--input[String] file to read
--region[String] Specify the region for running.
Such as chr9:1-1000 OR chr9 OR all Default[all]
--minAln[int] minimum size for Alignment & Inv. Default[500]
--IRdatabase[String] An inverted repeat file for the reference in bed format. Default[none]
--min[int] minimum size of inversion. Default[500]
--max[int] maximum size of inversion. Default[10000]
For example: java -jar npInv.jar --input sample.bam --output sample.VCF
Email: uqhshao at or haojingshao at