The Tree and TreeServ JavaScript classes allow to create and change the tree structure front-end.
Call the script after the page load (see index.html):
var tree = new Tree([opts]);
opts - the options object:
- tro - tree object (object, default is id='tree')
- cmo - command set (object, default is id='command')
- cfm - confirm node deletion (bool, default is no confirming);
- rcn - create the tree recursively (bool, default is iteratively);
- pth - images path.
The default tree is created and first node is selected.
Click the node to select it. The selected node has gray background. Click selected node again to deselect. The commands to handle the tree:
Add - create a sub-node of selected node; if no nodes selected then the root node is created.
Edit - rename the node.
Delete - remove the node with it's sub-nodes.
Save - save current tree to reload later.
Restore - load the last saved tree.
The command buttons are available or disabled depending on the node selection.
Add and Edit commands switch you into the Change status. Type in the node name and press Enter to save. Or press Esc to cancel. Delete asks for confirmation if cfm option is true. Save command requires HTML5 localStorage support. The tree state is saved under localStorage.treeState. Restore loads the default tree if nothing is saved.
The index.html demo shell displays default tree with the command set. You can select another tree structure in the test.js. Assign the tree definition array to the treeData variable and include the script tag into index.html head.
The following files are included:
- main.js - Tree class; controls the tree activity;
- serv.js - TreeServ class; serves the tree changes;
- base.js - common functionality;
- img/ - images folder;
- index.html - demo shell;
- style.css - layout and tree styles;
- test.js - tree structure test data
- - the file you are reading.