A mountain climbing board game, a modern descendant of the ancient Indian game of pachisi. 2-5 players who start the game with 5 pawns each at a base camp; move by turns, throwing dice and following several possible paths with the goal to reach the top of the mountain. Along the way they encounter all sorts of obstacles and fight against other climbers. The project consists of implementing the game, with good graphical interface and the possibility to play it online.
- Harry Hollands - Group Leader
- Aswin Mathew
- Yutian Xue
- Lawrence Howes-Yarlett
- Zibo Zhang
- Ciara O'Brien
Supervisor/Sponsor: Venanzio Capretta
- Chimera of Gold Prototype - Click here to visit the prototype repository.
- Trello - Click here to go to the Trello board.
- Google Drive - Google Drive location contains all the other resources, such as Gantt Chart, requirements, research, designs, minutes and more.
- Open Unity
- File, open project
- Navigate to The-Chimera-of-Gold and select the folder
- After loaded; go to file, open scene
- Double click on test.unity