A Mini Shared Post service api where user can share posts to each other.
- NodeJS runtime v16 or above.
- Docker and docker compose running in OS
- Make sure the port 8000 and 4500 are avaliable for localhost
- Postman
- TypeScript (type-safe language)
- ExpressJS (Framework)
- Prisma (ORM)
- Docker compose
- POSTMAN (Tool)
- Admin can create, verify, suspend and delete user.
- Admin can create, update and delete a category.
- Both admin and user can delete post. But the user should be the author of the post.
- User can publish the drafted posts and report the post.
- Reported user are added into list of reported users.
- Only published posts can be seen by all users.
- User can fetch his own reported, draft and published posts.
- User and admin are authenticated through JWT token.
- Each request should add "Authorization : Bearer {{access_token}}" to be authenticated.
- Access token of both can be acquired by signing in with correct credentials.
git clone "https://github.com/harrison542002/shared-service.git"
npm run db:start
npm start #Make sure db container has been initilizated before this command.
Import the "Shared Service.postman_collection.json" by followed this tutorial into POSTMAN https://shorturl.at/gjlC2
Import the "gloabl_env.json" global environment variable into POSTMAN by following this tutorial https://testfully.io/blog/import-from-postman/#import-postman-environments
Please replace these three environment variables with access token by sign in
- {{access_token}} : replace access token by sign in as a user.
- {{admin_access_token}} : replace access token by sign in as an admin.
All routes are accessible in POSTMAN. Database schema can be read through "schema.prisma" under "prisma" folder
Default values are populated through "seed.ts" under "prisma" folder
name - "aungthihamdy" password - "password"
email - "[email protected]" password - "password"