An opinionated music construction playground build on top of the excellent csound-expression
A quick and dirty example song highlighting:
- Stochastic note generation
- Drum tab DSL
melody construction
Doesn't sound great, mostly here for didactic purposes!
The src
directory contains other songs as modules.
Link to a .wav compiled from the below. GitHub doesn't seem to want to stream this, so Save As...
if you want to hear it.
song :: SongM
song = do
-- 4 on the floor bass drum, on for 16 beats, off for 16 beats
kicks <- do
d <- drums "X _ _ _|O _ _ _|O _ _ _|O _ _ _" Tr808.bd2
env <- sqrEnvM 0 16
return (d & withEnv env)
-- Closed hats, always on
cHats <- drums "X O o ." Tr808.chh
-- Open hats, always on
oHats <- drums "o _ o _|_ _ o _" Tr808.ohh
-- Group the drums
let drms = har [kicks, cHats, oHats]
-- Bassline - 5 notes from two chords at 2/3 velocity every 4 beats
bass <- do
let notes = take 5 $ minorChord D ++ reverse (majorChord Bb)
compileI (withDeepBass 1.0 fmBass1) $ Pch <$> notes ?? 6 ?? (2/3) ?? 4
-- Take 16 random notes from D minor, over 3 octaves, with some notes silent.
lead <- do
notes <-
$ replicate 16 randomFrom
?? expandScale [7, 8, 9] (minorScale D) ++ replicate 10 (\_ _ -> Silent (1/2))
compileI razorLead $ notes ?? (1/2) ?? (1/2)
-- Add some reverb FX to the instrs
let instrs = har [ rever2 0.5 <$> bass
, rever2 0.2 <$> lead
-- Play all the above at once
return $ drms =:= instrs
-- Set BPM and track length
songEnv :: SongEnv
songEnv = SongEnv { _bpm=140
, _beatLength=64
To play the song in real-time e.g. in GHCi:
dac =<< runSongM songEnv song
Or to compile to a WAV:
runToDisk =<< runSongM songEnv song
Follows mtl
style, where a song is represented by a SongM
monad transformer stack combining various effects useful for music creation:
for stochastic music generationIOT
for loading samples, other external filesReaderT
pattern over a song environment governing BPM and durationSE
as the base monad (this is thecsound-expression
side-effecting monad)
data SongEnv = SongEnv { _bpm :: Bpm
, _beatLength :: Int
type SongT = ReaderT SongEnv (RandT StdGen (IOT SE))
type SongM = SongT (Seg Sig2)
csound 6.17
stack ghci
orcabal repl
should both drop into GHCInix-shell
will enable e.g.cabal --enable-nix repl
orcabal --enable-nix run
- Began as a
project but Cabal/Nix seem better supported on M1 macs so I'll probably remove Stack and go Cabal-only if I need to introduce new deps. For now it should run as either Cabal or Stack as I haven't made any configuration changes for a while.