poly-nginx-lua-mode is a polymode minor mode for editing nginx configuration files with embedded Lua code. It uses polymode to support dual major modes in one file.
This is very useful when using e.g. OpenResty.
Get the latest version of poly-nginx-lua-mode at https://github.com/harsman/poly-nginx-lua-mode
Since version 24.1, Emacs includes a package management system. Using the MELPA package repository is the easiest way to install and update poly-nginx-lua-mode.
If you have installed packages from Melpa before, all you have to do is:
M-x package-install RET poly-nginx-lua-mode RET
If you haven't used Melpa before, then you have to configure package.el
first. Add the following to your
init file
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") t)
Restart Emacs and update the package cache by running:
M-x package-refresh-contents RET
You can now install poly-nginx-lua-mode by running M-x package-install
, as above.
If you have an older version of Emacs, please follow the instructions from MELPA.
To install manually, clone the git repository and add the following to your init file:
(autoload 'poly-nginx-lua-mode
"Edit Nginx configs with embedded Lua" t)
If you install with package.el
then dependencies are automatically
installed. If you install manually, you have to install dependencies manually
as well.
is used to enable multiple major modes in a single buffer. Get it here.nginx-mode
is the mode used for editing the non-Lua parts of the nginx configuration. Get it here
To get started, just open any nginx configuration file and do M-x poly-nginx-lua-mode