Don't look back, look forward
Find something you can move toward
Don't look back, look forward
Don't look back
So, there will be no updates in all projects for a while(? : )
Or I code in my day-off.
🔭 I’m currently working on
- Qurry🍛/Qurrium.
- The Quantum Experiment Manager for Qiskit.
- Measure quantum entanglement entropy and wave function overlap.
- Makes the randomized measurement easy.
- Documentation
- The documentation is still in progress.
- Source
- NCCU-GDSC/OpenNCCU Select Course System Redesign.
- A React Typescript project with Daisy UI, Tailwind CSS, Vite
- OpenNCCU CopyChecker/OpenNCCU SCSR Helper.
- A React Typescript project with Daisy UI, Tailwind CSS, Next.js
- OpenNCCUApp.
- A Vue Typescript project with Tailwind CSS
- Qurry🍛/Qurrium.
🌱 I’m currently learning Vue, Typescript, Qiskit, Rust