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开发中,可以选择开启自动生成model,修改了model定义,会自动生成 fromJson 方法 开启命令:
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
1 因为它生成的代码,大量使用as,如:
EpisodeModel _$EpisodeModelFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return EpisodeModel(json['sid'] as String, json['title'] as String,
json['createdAt'] as String);
闲鱼架构师对 json_serializable
的看法: https://www.jianshu.com/p/f96465b598d4
2 因为它生成的函数中,如果传入的json为null,还是会报错
import 'EpisodeModel.dart';
class ChannelModel {
String sid = '';
String name = '';
EpisodeModel episodes = EpisodeModel.fromJson(null);
ChannelModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
if(json != null){
sid = json['sid'] ?? sid;
name = json['name'] ?? name;
episodes = EpisodeModel.fromJson(json['episodes']);