Releases: hauenst/bandsoft_tools
Releases · hauenst/bandsoft_tools
Bandsoft tools v3.0
Updates since last release:
- Adding general particle class for charged particles (used in qe skimmer)
- Add QADB support in all skimmers used for data analysis
- Update HIPO library
- Add PCAL x,y info
- Updated runlists
- Addition for RGM data (new option in skimmer and temporary calibration files + beam energy)
- Bugfixes: Veto algorithm for areas with missing layer 5 bars, MC without 2nd veto pmt
v2.1 with bugfixes to 2.0
- BAND z position correction with BANDoffset (3cm)
- Reading of correct LER bar-by-bar offsets (values were overwritten by spring19 values before)
- Inclusion of LER offsets in neutron/ncalibration skimmer
Major updates to skimmer
This tag includes all the updates from tag 1.0. The main updates are
- Edep calibration included for neutron hits
- Skimmers with DC fiducials and electron PID cuts
- Fixes to bank classes
- Add charge skimmer from Dien
- Veto bar geometry reading from files