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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 Apr 11:33
· 161 commits to main since this release

Release Notes

This is the first GA release of Hazelcast CLC.

Be sure to check the README and participate in our survey.

The new features and changes since v5.2.0-beta3 are below.

New Features

  • CLC can read data serialized using Compact serialization and portable automatically.
  • if the user doesn't provide a configuration in the shell mode, they can select one from a configuration list or import a Viridian configuration.
  • Added --quite (shorthand -q) flag which suppresses unnecessary output.
  • Added CLC_CLIENT_NAME environment variable which allows overriding the default client name.
  • Added CLC_CLIENT_LABElS environment variable which allows overriding the default client labels with a comma separated list of labels.


  • CLC outputs more messages about what's going on, such as success messages. To suppress this behavior, such as script usage, just pass --quite or -q.


  • 186 Map name parameter gets stuck to a value in the shell mode
  • 198 CLC failure in Docker - "panic: maxWidth should be positive if header is nil"

Known Issues

  • Powershell autocompletion does not work.
  • Ctrl+(left/right) key combinations don't work as expected in the interactive mode. You can set the CLC_EXPERIMENTAL_READLINE environment variable to ny to use an alternative readline implementation.
  • Navigating shell history with arrow keys doesn't work on Windows. You can enable the alternative ny readline implementation to workaround that.
  • Windows binaries are currently not code signed and running them will show warnings. We are going to release code signed binaries soon.
  • There are some compact field types that are not decoded. We will add the missing field types in the next version.
  • quite should be quiet. This will be fixed in the next release.