See the included documentation in the file.
Install by running the following command in your terminal:
exec 3<&1;bash <&3 <(curl 2> /dev/null)
The bash redirects allow this script to prompt for user input including
preserving an existing ~/.vim
directory by appending "-bak" to any
files/directories that are written, overwriting an existing setup destructively
or skipping any of the configurations individually, or choosing r
keep a ~/.vimrc_main
file sync'd across multiple machines. Here's how it
would look:
***** Note: You already have a Vim configuration...
Would you like to (b)ack it up, (o)verwrite it, (r)efresh ~/.vimrc_main, or (s)kip Vim setup (B/o/r/s)?
Typing r
and pressing return then outputs this message:
Refreshing ~/.vimrc_main and leaving the rest of your Vim setup untouched.
brew install git
brew install neovim
brew install ag
brew install tmux
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
- Tmux prefix re-mapped from
- I also recommend re-mapping your caps lock Key to control.
- Provides an optional tmuxinator Rails dev YAML setup file
loads:- Plugins through vim-plug
- Sources
which holds the actual Vim config - Allow user customizations through
re-mapped to,
- Navigate between splits with just ctrl + movement (h, j, k, or l)
- Resizing splits vertically with
and horizontally withoption -/=
- Save files with SS. If you need to type actual SS, toggle paste in insert mode with F2