Install the package using pip:
pip install uq_physicell
Here are some examples to help you get started with using the package:
Example 1: Basic Usage
- Description: Print information of models physicell_model_1 and physicell_model_2 as shown in the config file examples/SampleModel.ini, without running the PhysiCell simulation.
- Code:
python examples/
Example 2: Running PhysiCell Simulations
- Description: Run PhysiCell simulations of physicell_model_2
- Step 1: Compile the virus-macrophage example in the PhysiCell folder.
- Code:
make reset && make virus-macrophage-sample && make
- Step 2: Change the path of the executable variable in physicell_model_2 model in the examples/SampleModel.ini file.
- Code:
executable = [new path]
- Step 3: run the simulations.
- Code:
python examples/
Example 3: Customizable Summary Function
- Description: This example illustrates how to run PhysiCell simulations of physicell_model_2 with a customizable summary function that generates population time series.
- Code:
python examples/
Example 4: Sensitivity Analysis as an unique task
- Requirements: install SALib
- Description: Run simulations to perfom sensitivity analysis (Sobol method) physicell_model_2
- Code:
python examples/
- After simulate all samples you can perform the analysis:
python example/
Example 5: Sensitivity Analysis as parallel tasks using MPI
- Requirements: install SALib and mpi4py
- Description: Run simulations to perfom sensitivity analysis (Sobol method) of physicell_model_2
- Code:
mpiexec -n 2 python -m mpi4py examples/
- After simulate all samples you can perform the analysis:
python example/
Feel free to explore these examples to understand the capabilities of the package and how to use it effectively.