It's a small project that shows how we can integrate React with Ruby on Rails. We are using the next gems that allow us to do it.
gem 'react-rails'
gem 'webpacker'
It is a small blog that allows the user to see posts in the dashboard and create and/or edit posts. Those posts are considered Local Posts
The app also shows remote posts that come from the API of Those posts are considered Remote Posts
Each post has a tag that indicates if is a Local or Remote post
You can create posts and select one image for it. It will be displayed in the dashboard and into the post show.
Clone the repo
~ git clone
Browse the project directory:
~ cd rails-react-blog
Configure your database.yml using your database credentials:
Install the gems
~ bundle install
Run the migrations
~ rake db:create ~ rake db:migrate
Run the Project
~ rails s
This project has some specs that you can run with the next command line
~ bundle exec rspec
This project has installed rubocop gem that analyzes the code of the application.
You can run that opening the project in a command line and execute
~ rubocop