This plugin is based on homebridge-mqtt-sonoffrf-receiver. Thanks for miskui.
Get Motion Sensor status via MQTT in Homebridge using Sonoff RF Bridge 433 with TasmOTA firmware. Motion sensor is activated when received RF code matches for rfcode or RF key stored in Sonoff RF Bridge. Open Sonoff RF Bridge console to read out received RF codes as hexadecimal values in DATA field. Use these values in rfcode parameter or use rfkey if you have already defined RF codes in Sonoff RF Bridge. Value 'any' will activate the sensor if any RF code received. Use rfcodeon and rfcodeoff parameters if your sensor sends both on and off states. Sensor can be motion sensor, RF button, Contact sensor or any other RF sensor.
Configuration of default times (if undefined):
- ondelay 10000 ms
- ondelaylowbattery 30000 ms
npm install -g
"accessory": "mqtt-433-sensor",
"url": "mqtt://localhost",
"topic": "tele/rf-bridge/RESULT",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"rfcodeon": "2E1A11",
"rfcodeoff": "2E1A12",
"rfcodelowbattery": "2E1A14",
"accessoryservicetype": "ContactSensor",
"name": "Contact Sensor"
"accessory": "mqtt-433-sensor",
"url": "mqtt://localhost",
"topic": "tele/rf-bridge/RESULT",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"rfcode": "2E1A21",
"ondelay": "30000",
"rfcodelowbattery": "2E1A22",
"accessoryservicetype": "MotionSensor",
"name": "Motion Sensor"
"accessory": "mqtt-433-sensor",
"url": "mqtt://localhost",
"topic": "tele/rf-bridge/RESULT",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"rfcode": "2E1A21",
"ondelay": "10000",
"rfcodelowbattery": "2E1A22",
"accessoryservicetype": "LeakSensor",
"name": "Leak Sensor"
"accessory": "mqtt-433-sensor",
"url": "mqtt://localhost",
"topic": "tele/rf-bridge/RESULT",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"rfcode": "2E1A21",
"ondelay": "60000",
"ondelaylowbattery": "120000",
"rfcodelowbattery": "2E1A22",
"accessoryservicetype": "SmokeSensor",
"name": "Smoke Sensor"
"accessory": "mqtt-433-sensor",
"url": "mqtt://localhost",
"topic": "tele/rf-bridge/RESULT",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"rfcode": "2E1A21",
"ondelay": "10000",
"rfcodelowbattery": "2E1A22",
"accessoryservicetype": "StatelessProgrammableSwitch",
"name": "RF Button 433"
- Motion sensor
- Contact sensor (windows, doors, contact sensor, blinds, opening garage door)
- Smoke sensor
- Leak sensor
- Stateless programmable switch
Version 0.1.11
- bugs fixed
- added Low battery status
Version 0.1.7
- bugs fixed
- added smoke sensor
- added leak sensor
Version 0.1.6
- added contact sensor