Analysis package to analyze MRI phantoms
Created on Fri Oct 11 16:30:54 2013
PhantomViewer: Main class to display and analyze phantom data, mostly MRI data
Modules required (most can be installed using 'pip install package' or 'pip install package --upgrade': verify module version using "pip show module"
Anaconda 3 with Python 3.7 (64 bit, Python, PyQT5, Numpy, Scipy, Pillow )
pydicom Version: 1.4.2: (for DICOM file import/export)
pyqtgraph Version: 0.10.0 (for plotting and image windows)
lmfit Version: 1.0.0 (for nonlinear least squares fitting routines)
unwrap Version: 0.1.1
scikit-image Version: 0.11.3: uses unwrap_phase from skimage.resoration
PyOpenGL (Used for 3D plotting)
will work with Anaconda 2 with Python 2.7.11, PYQT4 (not recommended)
Uses PhantomViewerGui created from PhantomViewer.ui by Qt Designer
convert ui file to python by executing:
"designer\pyuic4 designer\PhantomViewerGui.ui -o PhantomViewerpy\"
or "designer\pyuic5 designer\PhantomViewerGui.ui -o PhantomViewerpy\"
from system shell to regenerate from PhantomViewerGui.ui
@author: Stephen Russek
Units: times in ms, distances in mm, ADC in mm2/s, Temperature in C,
VPhantom: class to describe phantoms, several virtual phantoms, including the NIST/ISMRM system phantom are available. PV structure is shown below: