Discord PPP server invitation: https://discord.gg/Yb5hgAstQ3
Install PPPPutSettings directly from PhoneProfilesPlus. But it is also possible to install it from an external source. If installing from PhoneProfilesPlus does not work, use external source. External sources are described below.
There is an exception. For Android 14+, PPPPutSettigs can only be installed in a special way. Read Installation for Android 14+
Use keyword "PPPPutSettings" for search this application in these stores:
Droid-ify (F-Droid alternative):
- PPPPS release
- Store applicaion (download) IzzyOnDroid repository is included
Neo Store (F-Droid alternative, preferred over GitHub):
- PPPPS release
- Store applicaion (download) IzzyOnDroid repository is included
When the dialog "Unsafe app blocked" from Google Play Protect appears during installation, click at bottom, text "More details" and in it at bottom, text "Install anyway".
How to install PPPPutSettings (for Android 14+)
If is not possible to install PPPPutSettings from the downloaded apk file directly on your device, you can install it from your computer.
What is PPPPutSettings:
Android application for put settings parameter to system database without root. It is helper application for PhoneProfilesPlus.
**** Please report me bugs, comments and suggestions to my e-mail: [email protected]. Speed up the especially bug fixes. Thank you very much. ****
*** Please help me with translation, thank you: https://crowdin.com/project/phoneprofilesplus ***
- From Android 5.1
- minSdkVersion = 22
- targetSdkVersion = 22
- compiledSdkVersion = 35
- AndroidX library: appcompat, splashscreen - https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/versions
- ACRA - https://github.com/ACRA/acra
- guava - https://github.com/google/guava
- AutoService = https://github.com/google/auto/tree/main/service
- Multi-language_App (only modified class LocaleHelper.java) https://github.com/anurajr1/Multi-language_App