Releases: henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
- Added expandable layout into "Important informations". System, Profiles, Events sections are expandable.
- Added help texts about event sensors into "Important information".
- Added WiFi Hotspot for Android 11+.
- Added icons representing values for opaqueness and lighting preferences.
- Added One row widget higher version.
- Added ability to hide profile icon in PPP notification when style is "Custom" and enabled is decoration.
- Added "(I) VPN" profile preference.
- Added predefined Intents for connect/disconnect OpenVPN profile into "Run applications, shortcuts, intents".
- Added help about grant (G1) permission into
- Added change colors of widgets by night mode for Android 12.
- Added event sensor for check of default sim change, sim on/off.
- Added exact time to configure profile activation end (addition to profile duration).
- Added forced rounded corners in widgets for Samsung Une UI 4 launcher.
- Added double arrow into clickable texts.
- Added workaround for Huawei devices and screen brightness reset after screen on by system.
- Change: Opaque=100 for all widgets for devices with Android 12 and Pixel Launcher as default home launcher.
- Change: Display error notification for set WiFI hotspot. This is error about not granted android.permission.TETHER_PRIVILEGED.
- Change: selectable background changed to rounded for all image buttons.
- Change: Displayed profile icon also for collapsed notification.
- Change: Color of decoration set back to accent color, because it is not true icon color, is changed by system.
- Change: Displayed is custom icon to monochrome when is set status bar icon to "Force native".
- Change: Better configuration of Intents for application stores. This opens app store application directly.
- Fixed WiFi Hotspot for Android 9, 10.
- Fixed height of some AlertDialogs.
- Fixed translation of system contact group names.
- Fixed not displayed correct event in Editor header after Restart events.
- Fixed Alarm clock sensor for situation, when PPP is restarted by system.
- Fixed set screen timeout when is used profile parameter "Screen"/"Lock device"/"Lock device"="Use quick screen off".
- Fixed profile parameter "Keep screen on".
- Fixed not displayed notification icon (bug in Pixel 5?) for Pixel devices with Android 12.
- Fixed change of brightness values when screen gets on.
- Fixed Permission.grantRootX() when grant root was revoked.
- Fixed bad dark rectangle outside border, when is displayed popup window.
- Fixed accessibility service not enabled" notification after restart of PPService.
- Fixed mobile data enable/disable for Android 12+.
- Fix: Clear all dual sim parameters when data import is performed in non-dual sim device.
- Fix: Do not show notification about not enabled accessibility service, when Extender is not installed.
- Updated translations
- Fixed other bugs
Version 5.1.2
- Added "Vibrate notifications" as addition to "Vibrate when ringing".
- Added "Periodic sensor" into events.
- Added support for live wallpapers.
- Added "Random image from folder" into profile "Change wallpaper".
- Added "[M] Activate specific profile, then restart events" into "After duration do" for profile activation with duration.
- Added "Disable events run" into profile "Application functions".
- Added PPP notification type "Force native (for custom icons)".
- Added preference for grant "Display pop-up windows while running in background" in MIUI.
- Added WiFi Hotspot for Android 11+.
- Added check releases in APKPure from Editor.
- Added description of widgets for Android 12.
- Added PPP, system informations to crash report.
- Added help about grant (G1) permission into
- Better handling of Extender version for profile.
- Better large screens support.
- Display toolbars menu icons with texts if possible.
- Change: Use dominant color in custom profile icon for PPP notification.
- Better rounded corners for menus and spinner popups.
- Direct download of PhoneProfilesPlus.apk from Github.
- Direct download of PhoneProfilesPlusExtender.apk from Github.
- Fixed bad working Screen sensor.
- Fixed grant of background location.
- Fixed bad working check of Extender Accessibility service.
- Other fixes.
- Updated translations.
Version 5.1.1
- Added large screens support.
- Added BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED. Maybe this helps detection of car Bluetooth disconnection.
- Removed timestamp from application notification.
- Removed TV support.
- Better check of PPP releases.
- Change: PPP notification decoration color by displayed profile icon color.
- Increased fast scroller thumb a track. Is better to use it and is more visible.
- Fixed bad working PPPExtender broadcast receiver for UNBIND.
- Fixed check of errors in profiles and events. Activation in Activator and Editor is enabled, and check is moved to profile activation.
- Fixed custom layout for PPP notification when decorator is enabled.
- Fixed battery consumption after screen off.
- Fixed detection of lock device in screen off. Detected also non-secure lockscreen.
- Fixed reload Editor after application preferences change.
- Fixed dual SIM in profile preferences GUI.
- Fixed bugs
- Updated translations
- Fixed simulating ringing call.
- Display Editor, when some profiles in Activator has errors.
- Do not allow activation of profile from Editor when in it are some errors.
- Fixed disabling, in application notification, "Use decoration" when "Background color" is not "Native".
- Small change of Activity log colors.
- Fixed night/normal resources of some action icons.
- Changed all clickable views text styles to bold.
- Updated translations.
Version 5.1
- Added notification sound and vibration about profile activation from Activator.
- Added ability to add "Restart events" as "profile" into Activator.
- Added time from-to for scanning interval multiplier as for power save mode.
- Added help into Activity log.
- Added "Sound profile" event sensor.
- Added "Donation" to Editor menu.
- Added "Show "Restart events" as button" into PPService notification.
- Added set screen brightness in Activator to 35% when is in system set to 15%.
- Added "Delete all selected" menu item in mobile cells item dialog.
- Added alert dialog with questions about delete item.
- Added toast about tile profile change.
- Added "Profile added", "Event added" to Activity log.
- Added info for media volume in profile preferences about "safe volume flag".
- Added click background for buttons.
- Added F-Droid for check releases.
- Added Amazon Appstore for check releases.
- Added Galaxy Store for check releases.
- Added Huawei AppGallery for check releases.
- Changed some notification icons to information type.
- Changed background color of launcher icon.
- Change: Dialog and popup backgrounds as in Material library.
- Change: Profile indicators color in Editor by theme.
- Change: Use predefined profiles parameters which requires root or G1 only when device is rooted or G1 granted.
- Change: Set accent color for profile/event popup menus item icons by its enabled preferences.
- Change: Better check dialog of ppp releases for F-Droid.
- Change: Moved "None" ringtone at top of list in RingtonePreferenceX.
- Change: Moved sound and vibration notification for profile activation into Profile activation".
- Updated check installed version of Extender. Required is version 6.1 at all.
- Updates, fixes for Android 12+
- Forced rounded corners with radius = 15 in widgets for Android 12 and Pixel launcher installed.
- Removed duration of profile from Activity log after end of duration.
- Removed information about source of installation.
- Fixed check of accessibility service enabled/disabled state.
- Fixed using profile duration for activation from event, when "Ask for duration" is configured in it.
- Updated translations
- Fixed bugs.
Version 5.0.1
Google Play release: Latest version is and will never by upgraded. Please upgrade vith F-Droid or download latest apk from this page.
- Small popup window layout change.
- Moved "Default profile", "Delete all profiles, "Delete all events" into bottom overflow menu.
- Set PPService notification with style=Native with BigTextStyle() style.
- Better handling of application restart by system.
- Added Quick Tile support.
- Better "Where is "Assets"".
- Bug fixes.
- Updated translations.
GitHub release 5.0
Google Play release: Latest version is and will never by upgraded. Please upgrade vith F-Droid or download latest apk from this page.
- Removed support for Android 6.x
- Changed check of Extender version to 6.0.
- Added camera flashlight switch into Profile preferences.
- Added support for 5G into "Preferred network type".
- Added autostart system settings into PPP preferences, section System and Application start.
- Added new Profile preferences category: "LED accessories" and "Notification LED", "Camera flash" moved into it.
- Added Connected/Disconnected type for mobile data in event sensor "Radios".
- Do not show vibration parameter for notifications and sound profile, when device do not have vibrator.
- Removed Send and Discard buttons in ACRA crash report notification.
- Added call of ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS when inogring battery optimization is not enabled.
- Added grant of background location permission.
- Removed unused permission.
- Increased speed of application when device is rooted.
Dual SIM support
- Added dual sim support for change of network type.
- Added profile preference for set default sms, data, voice sim card.
- Added profile preferences for switch sim cards on/off for dual sim devices.
- Added dual sim support for set ringtone and notification tone to profile.
- Added dual SIM support for call and sms event sensor.
- Added dual sim support for mobile cells sensor.
GUI changes
- Added "Corner radius" parameter for widgets.
- Changed popup menu and spinner background color.
- Changed dialog button bar buttons style.
- Added top and bottom dividers into profile list preference dialogs.
- Added border over dialogs in dark theme.
- Added rounded corners for Activator and dialog.
- Changed activities button bar buttons style. Better dialogs and activities dividers.
- Added click ripple effect into widgets.
- Added indicators in RingtonePreferenceX for internal/external ringtone.
- Custom Toast layout. Added PPP icon.
- Added "Num of columns" setting for grid type Activator. Default is 3.
Google dependency removal
- Replaced Google Maps with osmdroid library.
- Used Android API Location service instead Google Play Service Location in geofence editor.
- Created Android Location API version of GeofenceScanner.
- Added Privacy policy into Github, folder /docs (used is GitHub Pages).
- Moved releases files into GitHub, folder /docs.
- Removed rate link in About application.
Other fixes
GitHub release
Google Play release: Latest version is and will never by upgraded. Please upgrade vith F-Droid or download latest apk from this page.
- Added translation of system contact groups.
- Added application name source for contacts and groups.
- Replaced Accessory sensor "Accessory type" to multi select preference.
- Fixed not set applicationFullyStarted=true when not any event is started at start of PPP.
- Updated translations.
GitHub release 4.3.2
Google Play release: Latest version is and will never by upgraded. Please upgrade vith F-Droid or download latest apk from this page.
- Changed donation in About application. Replaced with PayPal donation button link instead
- Added support for notification about normal new release.
- Added install status (installed/not installed) into summary for preferences about PPPE installation.
- Speed-up ContactsCache and ContactGroupsCache.
- Added "Day contains event" parameter into Calendar sensor.
- Removed profile parameter "Speakerphone" for Android 10+. Not working in Android 10+.
- Fixed not displayed button "USE THIS FOLDER" in screen for get backup/restore folder for Android 10+.
- Changed "Ignore all day events" boolean with "All day events" list: added is "Only all days" option.
- Fixed not displayed red text for not granted permissions.
- Fixed red text for adaptive brightness. Do not show it for this.
- Fixed not call of setEnabled() for light preferences when Orientation sensor is enabled.
- Do not activate default profile, when all events are stopped.
- Renamed "peripherals" to "accessories" in Accessory sensor.
- Enabled sent ACRA crash with only notification click.
- Better (re)start of PPService.
- Fixed not working get contact from configured contacts group.
- Fixed not displayed red Event name for Events with Call sensor and Phone permission not granted.
- Added save (and use) of backup "Create PPP subfolder" checkbox value.
- Fixed start of events at PPP (re)start.
- Fixed Samsung layout for One UI 3.
- Fixed bad working calendar sensor - "today event exists" for all day events.
- Ignored leading and trailing spaces in search string for calendar and notification sensors.
- Fixed start of PPP, activation of Default profile.
- Fixed start of PPP, manual profile activation.
- Fixed start of PPP, when in PPP are configured only profiles.
- Changed functionality of start activities when PPP cannot be started.
- Fixed redraw of notification when service is restarted by system.
- Other fixes.
- Updated translations.
GitHub release 4.3.1
Google Play release: Latest version is and will never by upgraded. Please upgrade vith F-Droid or download latest apk from this page.
- Added check of critical updates.
- Added button "Do not show again" for critical release notification.
- Added new profile parameter: "Generate notification".
- Added "Saved device parameters" into profile preferences.
- Added manual profile activation for "End of event".
- Added ability to not activate profile at start of event.
- Added "Status" parameter into Calendar sensor.
- Added info into application notification settings about displaying profile instead app. icon for Xiaomi devices.
- Added color value into summary for widgets parameter "Background color".
- Added grant status of WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS into app. preferences.
- Fix: Do not use "delay end" of events for restart events.
- New Extender version.
- Changed Crashlytics to ACRA.
- Removed code about Google Play, it's billing.
- Removed Firebase dependencies.
- Bug fixes.
- Updated translations.