Releases: henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
Releases · henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
Google Play release
- Fixed event preference Duration
- Uncreased event delay to 24 hours
- Fixed popupmenu style for Android < 5.0
Google Play release 3.1.3
- Removed import from PhoneProfiles
- Moved event order spinner to bottom bar
- Removed root support for zen mode
- Removed News from Important info
- Added duration to sms event preferences
- Bold event preference type in event card
- Multiselect applications preference
- Added Notification event type
- Added PhoneCallService
- Added DurationDialogPreference and used for duration preferences in seconds
- Base support for Android M
- Added support for Interruption filter (zen mode): only alarms (Android 6.0)
- Fixed wifi/bluetooth scanning in Android 6.0 - added required permission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
- Bug fixes
Google Play release 3.1.2
- Removed floating action bar from Editor
- Added bottom bar to Editor
- Bug fixes
Google Play release 3.1.1
- Changed Zen mode: working without root
- Changed Zen mode: working without root - added All and Priority mode with vibration
- Bug fixes
Google Play release
- Fixed hided FAB after programmatic listview scroll
- Fixed Important Infos layout for KitKat
Google Play release 3.1
- Added ability to change profile icon color
- Added option "Unlink ringer and notification volumes" to application preferences
- Added WiFi AP to profile
- Added "Start only when activated profile" to event preferences
- Added wildcards support for Calendar, Wifi and Bluetooth event preferences
- Added "Important infos"
- Changed profile duration from minutes to seconds
- Minor GUI changes
- First changes for Android M
- Bug fixes
Google Play release
- Fixed: monochrome color is shown in status bar instead color
Google Play release 3.0.5
- added check wifi AP state for wifi scanning
- fixed brightness
- added import of Activity log
- added manual profile activation from event
- merge profiles in EventsService
- Added "Availability" (free, busy, tentative) to calendar event preferences
- better shadow for Toolbars
- fixed Undo profile for end of event
- Added "Restart events" in "End of event"
- Fixed bug in bluetooth connection
- Removed "Use end time" from Time event preferences
- fixed dual SIM support for call state receiver
Google Play release
- Fixed FC in Bluetooth scanning
- Updated translations