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Remake animation demos
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henry2004y committed Jul 15, 2024
1 parent e4898a5 commit 861ecd4
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Showing 6 changed files with 433 additions and 152 deletions.
151 changes: 0 additions & 151 deletions docs/examples/basics/

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/examples/config.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"theme": "nocoverlist",
"order": [
"properties": {
"notebook": "false"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"theme": "nocoverlist",
"order": [
File renamed without changes.
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions docs/examples/visualization/
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# ---
# title: Subplot Line Animation
# id: demo_lines_animation
# date: 2024-07-15
# author: "[Hongyang Zhou]("
# julia: 1.10.4
# description: Subplot 1D line animation using pyplot
# ---

This example shows how to create multi-panel 1D space line animation from a series of FLEKS outputs.

* Twin axes sharing the same x-axis for showing two quantities in one frame.
* Time-dependent title.
* Fixed value ranges.

Since currently we don't have true 1D outputs, in this demo we show the way to extract the first column from 2D cuts.

using Batsrus, Printf, PyPlot

function create_figure()
fig, axs = subplots(5, 1, figsize=(12, 8),
sharex=true, sharey=false, constrained_layout=true)

lw1 = 1.0
lw2 = 1.0
lw3 = 1.0

xmin, xmax = -6300.0, -1300.0

ρemin, ρemax = 0.0, 0.05 # mi/me = 400
ρimin, ρimax = 0.0, 20.0
vmin, vmax = -600.0, 300.0
pmin, pmax = 1e-3, 1.0
Bmin, Bmax = -3.0, 30.0
Emin, Emax = -5.0, 5.0

l11, = axs[1].plot([], [], lw=lw1)
l211, = axs[2].plot([], [], lw=lw1, label="Uex")
l212, = axs[2].plot([], [], lw=lw1, label="Uey")
l213, = axs[2].plot([], [], lw=lw1, label="Uez")
l311, = axs[3].plot([0.0, 1.0], [pmin, pmax], lw=lw1, alpha=0.8, label=L"$P_{exx}$")
l312, = axs[3].plot([0.0, 1.0], [pmin, pmax], lw=lw1, alpha=0.8, label=L"$P_{eyy}$")
l313, = axs[3].plot([0.0, 1.0], [pmin, pmax], lw=lw1, alpha=0.8, label=L"$P_{ezz}$")
l41, = axs[4].plot([], [], lw=lw2, label="x")
l42, = axs[4].plot([], [], lw=lw2, label="y")
l43, = axs[4].plot([], [], lw=lw2, label="z")
l51, = axs[5].plot([], [], lw=lw2, label="x")
l52, = axs[5].plot([], [], lw=lw2, label="y")
l53, = axs[5].plot([], [], lw=lw2, label="z")

axs[1].set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
axs[1].set_ylim(ρemin, ρemax)
axs[2].set_ylim(vmin, vmax)
axs[3].set_ylim(pmin, pmax)
axs[4].set_ylim(Bmin, Bmax) # B
axs[5].set_ylim(Emin, Emax) # E

for ax in axs

axs[4].set_ylabel("B [nT]"; fontsize)
axs[5].set_ylabel("E [mV/m]"; fontsize)

axs[end].set_xlabel("x [km]"; fontsize)

axs[1].set_ylabel(L"$\rho_e$ [amu/cc]"; fontsize, color="tab:blue")
axs[1].tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="tab:blue")

ax12 = axs[1].twinx()
ax12.set_ylim(ρimin, ρimax)

ax12.set_ylabel(L"$\rho_i$ [amu/cc]"; fontsize, color="tab:red")

l12, = ax12.plot([], []; lw=lw1, color="tab:red", alpha=0.8)
ax12.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="tab:red")

axs[2].set_ylabel(L"$U_e$ [km/s]"; fontsize)

ax22 = axs[2].twinx()
ax22.set_ylim(vmin, vmax)

ax22.set_ylabel(L"$U_i$ [km/s]"; fontsize)

l221, = ax22.plot([], [], lw=lw3, label="Uix", color="tab:red")
l222, = ax22.plot([], [], lw=lw3, label="Uiy", color="tab:purple")
l223, = ax22.plot([], [], lw=lw3, label="Uiz", color="tab:brown")

axs[3].set_ylabel(L"$P_e$ [nT]"; fontsize)

ax32 = axs[3].twinx()
ax32.set_ylabel(L"$P_i$ [nT]"; fontsize)

fake_range = [0.0, 1.0]
p_range = [pmin, pmax]
p_alpha = 0.8
l321, = ax32.plot(fake_range, p_range, lw=lw3, alpha=p_alpha, label=L"$P_{ixx}$",
l322, = ax32.plot(fake_range, p_range, lw=lw3, alpha=p_alpha, label=L"$P_{iyy}$",
l323, = ax32.plot(fake_range, p_range, lw=lw3, alpha=p_alpha, label=L"$P_{izz}$",


leg21 = axs[2].legend(;loc=(0.34, 0.05), ncols=3, frameon=false)
leg22 = ax22.legend(;loc=(0.0, 0.05), ncols=3, frameon=false)
leg31 = axs[3].legend(;loc=(0.34, -0.05), ncols=3, frameon=false)
leg32 = ax32.legend(;loc=(0.0, -0.05), ncols=3, frameon=false)
leg4 = axs[4].legend(;loc="upper left", ncols=3, frameon=false)
leg5 = axs[5].legend(;loc="upper left", ncols=3, frameon=false)

# set the linewidth of each legend object
legs = (leg21, leg22, leg31, leg32, leg4, leg5)
for leg in legs
for legobj in leg.legend_handles

ls = (l11, l12, l211, l212, l213, l221, l222, l223, l311, l312, l313, l321, l322, l323,
l41, l42, l43, l51, l52, l53)

axs, ls

function slice1d(bd, var, icol)
selectdim(bd[var], 2, icol)

function animate(files::Vector{String}, axs, ls; outdir="out/", overwrite::Bool=false,
l11, l12, l211, l212, l213, l221, l222, l223, l311, l312, l313, l321, l322, l323,
l41, l42, l43, l51, l52, l53 = ls

for (i, file) in enumerate(files)
@info "$i in $(length(files))"
outname = outdir*lpad(i, 4, '0')*".png"
if !overwrite
isfile(outname) && continue

bd = load(joinpath(filedir, file))

x = @views bd.x[:,1,1]

l11.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "rhos0", icol))
l12.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "rhos1", icol))

l211.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Uxs0", icol))
l212.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Uys0", icol))
l213.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Uzs0", icol))
l221.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Uxs1", icol))
l222.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Uys1", icol))
l223.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Uzs1", icol))

l311.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "PXXS0", icol))
l312.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "PYYS0", icol))
l313.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "PZZS0", icol))
l321.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "PXXS1", icol))
l322.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "PYYS1", icol))
l323.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "PZZS1", icol))

l41.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Bx", icol))
l42.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "By", icol))
l43.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Bz", icol))

l51.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Ex", icol) ./ 1000)
l52.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Ey", icol) ./ 1000)
l53.set_data(x, slice1d(bd, "Ez", icol) ./ 1000)

title_str = @sprintf "t = %4.1f s" bd.head.time
axs[1].set_title(title_str; fontsize)

savefig(outname, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200)



# Data directory
filedir = "./"

const fontsize = 15

pick_file = file -> startswith(file, "z") && endswith(file, ".out")

files = filter(pick_file, readdir(filedir))

axs, ls = create_figure()
animate(files, axs, ls; icol=1, outdir="figures/", overwrite=true)


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