Using Python's requests library, I pull data from Yelp using their Fusion REST API, and output it into data that can be read by a custom APP built on AWS.
This utilizes Python's requests library. The current version of Yelp Fusion API no longer requires the code to pass a client ID and client secret to obtain a bearer token, making the code much simpler. This code still uses the former version of the API. The code will be updated soon to support the current version.
Must run
with terms -t, -l, and/or -s, standing for term, location, and search limit respectively.
For example, you can run -t 'veterinarian' -l 'Philadelphia, PA' -s 20
to search for term "veterniarian" in location "Philadelphia, PA" and list 20 results. These are actually the default terms as well.
- Python 2.7 or 3.0+
- GeoPy Python library (pip install geopy)
- Henry Luo