GDNative addon for dynamic svg rendering.
Please use "gdextension" branch for Godot 4.
Clone this repository
(Current directory=project root)git clone --recursive cd godot-svgsprite
Build godot-cpp library
For more information, please check the official documentation.
(Current directory=project root)cd cpp/godot-cpp scons platform=<platform> generate_bindings=yes target=debug/release
(wait a minute)
cd ../
Build lunasvg library
(Current directory=cpp/)mkdir lunasvg_build cd lunasvg_build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug/Release -G Ninja ../lunasvg ninja cd ../../
Build godot-svgsprite library
(Current directory=project root)mkdir bin scons platform=<platform> target_name=libgodot-svgsprite target=debug/release
- Copy "addons" and "bin" folders to your project folder
- Project > ProjectSetting > Plugins: Activate SVGSprite plugin
When you export your project or resource package(*.pck,*.zip), make sure to add "_rawsvg/*" folder as a "non-resource folder".
Note that this addon uses lunasvg for svg rasterization, but godot3.x uses nanosvg, so the rendering result may not be the same.