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virtq: use a struct with the actual layout rather than a struct of re…
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Using a struct of references for the ring structures of the split virtqueue adds an unnecessary level of indirection and complicates the initialization. Use dynamically sized structs with appropriate accessor methods instead.
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cagatay-y committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 25fb095 commit 1366a92
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Showing 3 changed files with 133 additions and 78 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/drivers/virtio/virtqueue/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3367,6 +3367,7 @@ pub mod error {

impl core::fmt::Debug for VirtqError {
Expand All @@ -3385,6 +3386,7 @@ pub mod error {
VirtqError::BufferToLarge => write!(f, "Buffer to large for queue! u32::MAX exceeded."),
VirtqError::QueueSizeNotAllowed(_) => write!(f, "The requested queue size is not valid."),
VirtqError:: FeatNotSupported(_) => write!(f, "An unsupported feature was requested from the queue."),
VirtqError::AllocationError => write!(f, "An error was encountered during the allocation of the queue structures.")
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208 changes: 130 additions & 78 deletions src/drivers/virtio/virtqueue/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::collections::VecDeque;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::alloc::{Allocator, Layout};
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::mem::{size_of, MaybeUninit};
use core::ptr;

use align_address::Align;
use zerocopy::little_endian;
use zerocopy::{little_endian, FromBytes, FromZeroes};

#[cfg(not(feature = "pci"))]
use super::super::transport::mmio::{ComCfg, NotifCfg, NotifCtrl};
Expand All @@ -22,8 +23,8 @@ use super::{
TransferToken, Virtq, VirtqPrivate, VqIndex, VqSize,
use crate::arch::memory_barrier;
use crate::arch::mm::paging::{BasePageSize, PageSize};
use crate::arch::mm::{paging, VirtAddr};
use crate::mm::device_alloc::DeviceAlloc;

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
Expand All @@ -45,37 +46,81 @@ impl Descriptor {

struct DescrTable {
raw: &'static mut [Descriptor],
// The generic structure eases the creation of the layout for the statically
// sized portion of [AvailRing] and [UsedRing]. This way, to be allocated they
// only need to be extended with the dynamic portion.
struct GenericRing<T: ?Sized> {
flags: little_endian::U16,
index: little_endian::U16,

// Rust does not allow a field other than the last one to be unsized.
// Unfortunately, this is not the case with the layout in the specification.
// For this reason, we merge the last two fields and provide appropriate
// accessor methods.
ring_and_event: T,

struct AvailRing {
flags: &'static mut little_endian::U16,
index: &'static mut little_endian::U16,
ring: &'static mut [little_endian::U16],
event: &'static mut little_endian::U16,
const RING_AND_EVENT_ERROR: &str = "ring_and_event should have at least enough elements for the event. It seems to be allocated incorrectly.";

type AvailRing = GenericRing<[MaybeUninit<little_endian::U16>]>;

impl AvailRing {
fn ring_ref(&self) -> &[MaybeUninit<little_endian::U16>] {

fn ring_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [MaybeUninit<little_endian::U16>] {

fn event_ref(&self) -> &MaybeUninit<little_endian::U16> {

fn event_mut(&mut self) -> &MaybeUninit<little_endian::U16> {

struct UsedRing {
flags: &'static mut little_endian::U16,
index: *mut little_endian::U16,
ring: &'static mut [UsedElem],
event: &'static mut little_endian::U16,
// The elements of the unsized field and the last field are not of the same type.
// For this reason, the field stores raw bytes and we have typed accessors.
type UsedRing = GenericRing<[u8]>;

// Used ring is not supposed to be modified by the driver. Thus, we only have _ref methods (and not _mut methods).
impl UsedRing {
fn ring_ref(&self) -> &[UsedElem] {
// The last two bytes belong to the event field
&self.ring_and_event[..(self.ring_and_event.len() - size_of::<little_endian::U16>())],

fn event_ref(&self) -> &little_endian::U16 {

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, FromZeroes, FromBytes)]
struct UsedElem {
id: little_endian::U32,
len: little_endian::U32,

struct DescrRing {
read_idx: u16,
descr_table: DescrTable,
descr_table: Box<[MaybeUninit<Descriptor>], DeviceAlloc>,
ref_ring: Box<[Option<Box<TransferToken>>]>,
avail_ring: AvailRing,
used_ring: UsedRing,
avail_ring: Box<AvailRing, DeviceAlloc>,
used_ring: Box<UsedRing, DeviceAlloc>,

impl DescrRing {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,26 +227,30 @@ impl DescrRing {

self.descr_table.raw[write_indx] = descriptor;
self.descr_table[write_indx] = MaybeUninit::new(descriptor);

desc_cnt += 1;
len -= 1;

self.ref_ring[index] = Some(Box::new(tkn));
self.avail_ring.ring[self.avail_ring.index.get() as usize % self.avail_ring.ring.len()] =
(index as u16).into();
let idx = self.avail_ring.index.get();
let len = self.avail_ring.ring_ref().len();
self.avail_ring.ring_mut()[idx as usize % len] = MaybeUninit::new((index as u16).into());

*self.avail_ring.index = (self.avail_ring.index.get().wrapping_add(1)).into();
self.avail_ring.index = (self.avail_ring.index.get().wrapping_add(1)).into();

(0, 0)

fn poll(&mut self) {
while self.read_idx != unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(self.used_ring.index).get() } {
let cur_ring_index = self.read_idx as usize % self.used_ring.ring.len();
let used_elem = unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(&self.used_ring.ring[cur_ring_index]) };
while self.read_idx
!= unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(ptr::addr_of!(self.used_ring.index)).get() }
let cur_ring_index = self.read_idx as usize % self.used_ring.ring_ref().len();
let used_elem =
unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(&self.used_ring.ring_ref()[cur_ring_index]) };

let mut tkn = self.ref_ring[ as usize].take().expect(
"The buff_id is incorrect or the reference to the TransferToken was misplaced.",
Expand All @@ -226,15 +275,15 @@ impl DescrRing {

fn drv_enable_notif(&mut self) {
*self.avail_ring.flags = 0.into();
self.avail_ring.flags = 0.into();

fn drv_disable_notif(&mut self) {
*self.avail_ring.flags = 1.into();
self.avail_ring.flags = 1.into();

fn dev_is_notif(&self) -> bool {
*self.used_ring.flags & 1.into() == little_endian::U16::new(0)
self.used_ring.flags & 1.into() == little_endian::U16::new(0)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,65 +371,68 @@ impl Virtq for SplitVq {

let size = vq_handler.set_vq_size(size.0);
const ALLOCATOR: DeviceAlloc = DeviceAlloc;

// Allocate heap memory via a vec, leak and cast
let _mem_len = (size as usize * core::mem::size_of::<Descriptor>())
.align_up(BasePageSize::SIZE as usize);
let table_raw =
ptr::with_exposed_provenance_mut(crate::mm::allocate(_mem_len, true).0 as usize);

let descr_table = DescrTable {
raw: unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(table_raw, size as usize) },

let _mem_len = (6 + (size as usize * 2)).align_up(BasePageSize::SIZE as usize);
let avail_raw =
ptr::with_exposed_provenance_mut::<u8>(crate::mm::allocate(_mem_len, true).0 as usize);
let _mem_len = (6 + (size as usize * 8)).align_up(BasePageSize::SIZE as usize);
let used_raw =
ptr::with_exposed_provenance_mut::<u8>(crate::mm::allocate(_mem_len, true).0 as usize);

let avail_ring = unsafe {
AvailRing {
flags: &mut *(avail_raw as *mut little_endian::U16),
index: &mut *(avail_raw.offset(2) as *mut little_endian::U16),
ring: core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
avail_raw.offset(4) as *mut little_endian::U16,
size as usize,
event: &mut *(avail_raw.offset(4 + 2 * (size as isize)) as *mut little_endian::U16),
let descr_table = Box::new_uninit_slice_in(size.into(), ALLOCATOR);

let avail_ring = {
let ring_and_event_len = usize::from(size) + 1;
let allocation = ALLOCATOR
Layout::new::<GenericRing<()>>() // flags
.extend(Layout::array::<little_endian::U16>(ring_and_event_len).unwrap()) // +1 for event
.map_err(|_| VirtqError::AllocationError)?;
unsafe {
core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(allocation.as_mut_ptr(), ring_and_event_len)
as *mut AvailRing,

unsafe {
let _index = avail_raw.offset(2) as usize - avail_raw as usize;
let _ring = avail_raw.offset(4) as usize - avail_raw as usize;
let _event = avail_raw.offset(4 + 2 * (size as isize)) as usize - avail_raw as usize;

let used_ring = unsafe {
UsedRing {
flags: &mut *(used_raw as *mut little_endian::U16),
index: used_raw.offset(2) as *mut little_endian::U16,
ring: core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
used_raw.offset(4) as *mut UsedElem,
size as usize,
event: &mut *(used_raw.offset(4 + 8 * (size as isize)) as *mut little_endian::U16),
let used_ring = {
let ring_and_event_layout = Layout::array::<UsedElem>(size.into())
.extend(Layout::new::<little_endian::U16>()) // for event
let allocation = ALLOCATOR
.map_err(|_| VirtqError::AllocationError)?;
unsafe {
) as *mut UsedRing,

unsafe {
let _index = used_raw.offset(2) as usize - used_raw as usize;
let _ring = used_raw.offset(4) as usize - used_raw as usize;
let _event = used_raw.offset(4 + 8 * (size as isize)) as usize - used_raw as usize;

// Provide memory areas of the queues data structures to the device
vq_handler.set_ring_addr(paging::virt_to_phys(VirtAddr::from(table_raw as u64)));
// As usize is safe here, as the *mut EventSuppr raw pointer is a thin pointer of size usize
vq_handler.set_drv_ctrl_addr(paging::virt_to_phys(VirtAddr::from(avail_raw as u64)));
vq_handler.set_dev_ctrl_addr(paging::virt_to_phys(VirtAddr::from(used_raw as u64)));

let descr_ring = DescrRing {
read_idx: 0,
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
any(target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "riscv64"),
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