A ROS-based package for utility-aware dynamic task offloading framework based on a multi-edge-robot system that takes into account computation, communication, and task execution load at the edge devices to minimize the overall service time for delay-sensitive applications.
This package is distributed on following nodes:
- 3 Edge devices(SBCs) - Nvidia Jetson Nanos
- 3 Turtlebot3s spawned on Gazebo Simulator - Local Machine
Continuous device, network and task profilers are continuously running on edge devices. For each task assigned, an edge with maximum utility is derived using a utility maximization technique with weights variation and a system reward assignment for task connectivity. A scheduler is in charge of task assignment, whereas an executor is responsible for task offloading on edge devices.
- Credit for spawning multiple turtlebot3 in Gazebo ROS Noetic goes to hikashi
- Credit for the use of ROS-Yolov5 package goes to mats-robotics
This package is built and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and ROS Noetic with Python 3.8. The following libraries are required to install before proceeding to run the code
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-gmapping
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-navigation
$ sudo apt-get install python-numpy
$ sudo apt-get install python-scikits-learn
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-teb-local-planner
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-multirobot-map-merge
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-yolov5-ros
For interoperability, all the edge devices and the robots should have the same operating system. The following package should be installed on all four machines in the system.
$ sudo mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone https://github.com/herolab-uga/ros-edge-orchestration.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source ~/catkin_explore/devel/setup.bash
# export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi
$ roscore
The following launch file would launch three turtlebot3s in Gazebo world with RViz for visualization.
roslaunch edge_robot test_setup.launch
For pose publishing and way points for navigation
roslaunch edge_robot all_pose_publishers.launch
roslaunch edge_robot all_wps.launch
To be launched on each edge device.
e.g. on edge 1, use the following launch file:
roslaunch edge_robot e1_profilers.launch
on edge 2:
roslaunch edge_robot e2_profilers.launch
on edge 3:
roslaunch edge_robot e3_profilers.launch
on edge 1:
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_0_slam.launch
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_0_nav.launch
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_0_yolov5.launch
on edge 2:
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_1_slam.launch
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_1_nav.launch
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_1_yolov5.launch
on edge 3:
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_2_slam.launch
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_2_nav.launch
roslaunch edge_robot tb3_2_yolov5.launch
Set the mode of the scheduler variant from CPU, Network, Memory, all, fixed within the following launch file. It takes in the parameters from the config/task_req_yolo_obj.yaml which are predefined for the task tested and launches the Gateway, Scheduler and the Executor nodes.
roslaunch edge_robot scheduler.launch
- Nazish Tahir - PhD Candidate
- Dr. Ramviyas Parasuraman - Lab Director
For further information, contact Nazish Tahir [email protected] or Dr. Ramviyas Parasuraman [email protected]