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✨ NVIDIA: Use Dynamic PStates API to query utilization % instead of t…
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…he callback-based code when possible.

Documentation is not very clear on that, but it seems to return the same information ?
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hexawyz committed Feb 21, 2025
1 parent e9aadce commit e6e397d
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Showing 7 changed files with 403 additions and 179 deletions.
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions src/Exo/Devices/Exo.Devices.NVidia/LoggerExtensions.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,8 +86,18 @@ public static partial void GpuClockFrequenciesQueryFailure
string deviceFriendlyName,
Exception exception

[LoggerMessage(EventId = 10202,
EventName = "GpuDynamicPStatesQueryFailure",
Level = LogLevel.Error,
Message = "Failed to query the dynamic PStates for GPU {DeviceFriendlyName}.")]
public static partial void GpuDynamicPStatesQueryFailure
this ILogger logger,
string deviceFriendlyName,
Exception exception

[LoggerMessage(EventId = 10203,
EventName = "GpuClockNotSupported",
Level = LogLevel.Warning,
Message = "Clock {Clock} is not supported. It will not be exposed as a sensor.")]
Expand All @@ -97,7 +107,7 @@ public static partial void GpuClockNotSupported
NvApi.Gpu.PublicClock clock

[LoggerMessage(EventId = 10203,
[LoggerMessage(EventId = 10204,
EventName = "GpuUtilizationWatchingFailure",
Level = LogLevel.Error,
Message = "An error occurred while watching utilization for GPU {DeviceFriendlyName}.")]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
using Exo.Sensors;

namespace Exo.Devices.NVidia;

public partial class NVidiaGpuDriver
private sealed class DynamicPStateSensor : GroupQueriedSensor, IPolledSensor<byte>
private static Guid GetGuidForPState(NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain domain)
=> domain switch
NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain.Graphics => GraphicsUtilizationSensorId,
NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain.FrameBuffer => FrameBufferUtilizationSensorId,
NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain.Video => VideoUtilizationSensorId,
NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain.Bus => BusUtilizationSensorId,
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported utilization domain.")

private byte _currentValue;
private readonly NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain _domain;

public Guid SensorId => GetGuidForPState(_domain);

public DynamicPStateSensor(NvApi.PhysicalGpu gpu, NvApi.Gpu.Client.UtilizationDomain domain, byte value)
: base(gpu)
_domain = domain;
_currentValue = value;

public byte? ScaleMinimumValue => 0;
public byte? ScaleMaximumValue => 100;

public SensorUnit Unit => SensorUnit.Percent;

public ValueTask<byte> GetValueAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> ValueTask.FromResult(GroupedQueryMode == GroupedQueryMode.Enabled ? _currentValue : QueryValue());

public bool TryGetLastValue(out byte lastValue)
lastValue = _currentValue;
return true;

private byte QueryValue() => throw new NotSupportedException("Non-grouped queries are not supported for this sensor.");

public void OnValueRead(byte value) => _currentValue = value;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Exo.Cooling;
using Exo.Features.Cooling;

namespace Exo.Devices.NVidia;

public partial class NVidiaGpuDriver
private sealed class FanCoolingControl : ICoolingControllerFeature
private readonly uint[] _fanIds;
private readonly short[] _statuses;
private readonly NvApi.PhysicalGpu _physicalGpu;
private bool _hasChanged;
private readonly FanCooler[] _coolers;

public FanCoolingControl(NvApi.PhysicalGpu physicalGpu, ReadOnlySpan<NvApi.GpuFanInfo> fanInfos, ReadOnlySpan<NvApi.GpuFanStatus> fanStatuses, ReadOnlySpan<NvApi.GpuFanControl> fanControls)
var fanIds = new uint[fanControls.Length];
var powers = new short[fanControls.Length];
var coolers = new FanCooler[fanControls.Length];

// Keep track of how many know coolers have been registered. We will hide the unknown IDs for safety. (Only 1 and 2 seen at the time of writing this)
int registeredCoolerCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fanControls.Length; i++)
ref readonly var fanStatus = ref fanStatuses[i];
ref readonly var fanControl = ref fanControls[i];

fanIds[i] = fanControl.FanId;
powers[i] = fanControl.CoolingMode == NvApi.FanCoolingMode.Manual ? (short)fanControl.Power : (short)256;

Guid coolerId;
Guid sensorId;
if (fanControl.FanId is 1)
coolerId = Fan1CoolerId;
sensorId = Fan1SpeedSensorId;
else if (fanControl.FanId is 2)
coolerId = Fan2CoolerId;
sensorId = Fan2SpeedSensorId;
// Skip "unknown" fans
// TODO: The fan IDs seem pretty reliable starting at 1 (probably to detect empty IDs), so we could probably hardcode a few more fan IDs.
coolers[registeredCoolerCount++] = new(this, i, coolerId, sensorId, checked((byte)fanStatus.MinimumPower), checked((byte)fanStatus.MaximumPower));

if (registeredCoolerCount < coolers.Length)
coolers = coolers[..registeredCoolerCount];

_physicalGpu = physicalGpu;
_fanIds = fanIds;
_statuses = powers;
_coolers = coolers;

ImmutableArray<ICooler> ICoolingControllerFeature.Coolers => ImmutableCollectionsMarshal.AsImmutableArray((ICooler[])_coolers);

ValueTask ICoolingControllerFeature.ApplyChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_hasChanged)
var fanIds = _fanIds;
var statuses = _statuses;
Span<NvApi.GpuFanControl> fanControls = stackalloc NvApi.GpuFanControl[fanIds.Length];

int changedCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fanIds.Length; i++)
uint fanId = fanIds[i];
ref short statusRef = ref statuses[i];
short status = statusRef;
if (status < 0)
status &= 0x7FFF;
bool isManual = (status & 0x100) == 0;
fanControls[changedCount++] = new(fanId, isManual ? (byte)status : (byte)0, isManual ? NvApi.FanCoolingMode.Manual : NvApi.FanCoolingMode.Automatic);
statusRef = status;

if (changedCount > 0)

_hasChanged = false;
catch (Exception ex)
return ValueTask.FromException(ex);
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

private sealed class FanCooler : ICooler, IAutomaticCooler, IManualCooler
private readonly FanCoolingControl _control;
private readonly int _index;
private readonly Guid _coolerId;
private readonly Guid _sensorId;
private readonly byte _minimumPower;
private readonly byte _maximumPower;

public FanCooler(FanCoolingControl control, int index, Guid coolerId, Guid sensorId, byte minimumPower, byte maximumPower)
_control = control;
_index = index;
_coolerId = coolerId;
_sensorId = sensorId;
_minimumPower = minimumPower;
_maximumPower = maximumPower;

private sbyte Power
short status = _control._statuses[_index];
return (status & 0x100) == 0 ? (sbyte)status : (sbyte)-1;
ref short statusRef = ref _control._statuses[_index];
short status = statusRef;
sbyte power = (status & 0x100) == 0 ? (sbyte)status : (sbyte)-1;
if (value != power)
status = (short)(status & 0x7E00 | (value >= 0 ? 0x8000 | (byte)value : 0x8100));
Volatile.Write(ref statusRef, status);
_control._hasChanged = true;

Guid ICooler.CoolerId => _coolerId;
Guid? ICooler.SpeedSensorId => _sensorId;
CoolerType ICooler.Type => CoolerType.Fan;
CoolingMode ICooler.CoolingMode => Power < 0 ? CoolingMode.Automatic : CoolingMode.Manual;

void IAutomaticCooler.SwitchToAutomaticCooling() => Power = -1;

void IManualCooler.SetPower(byte power)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(power, _minimumPower);
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(power, _maximumPower);
Power = (sbyte)power;

bool IManualCooler.TryGetPower(out byte power)
var p = Power;
if ((byte)p <= 100)
power = (byte)p;
return true;
power = 0;
return false;

// NB: I didn't expose maximum power in the API, as it would seem stupid for it not to be 100.
// TODO: Let's maybe add a warning log if the max power of a fan is not 100 for some reason.
byte IConfigurableCooler.MinimumPower => _minimumPower;
bool IConfigurableCooler.CanSwitchOff => false;

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