Rsync deployer plugin for Hexo.
$ npm install hexo-deployer-rsync --save
You can configure this plugin in _config.yml
type: rsync
host: <host>
user: <user>
root: <root>
port: [port] # Default is 22
delete: [true|false] # Default is true
progress: [true|false] # Default is true
args: <rsync args>
rsh: <remote shell>
key: <key>
verbose: [true|false] # Default is true
ignore_errors: [true|false] # Default is false
create_before_update: [true|false] # Default is false
- host: Address of remote host
- user: Username
- root: Root directory of remote host
- port: Port
- delete: Delete old files on remote host
- progress: Show rsync progress
- args: Rsync arguments (support space-separated strings)
- rsh: Specify the remote shell to use
- key: Custom SSH private key
- verbose: Display verbose messages
- ignore_errors: Ignore errors
- create_before_update: First create non-existing files, then update existing files