A FastAPI toolkit that provides an alternative approach to writing code, including class-based views, extraction of common dependencies, application-level dependency injection, exception handling, middleware, and more.
pip install fastapi-boot
- In fastapi-boot
from fastapi import FastAPI, Query
from fastapi_boot.core import Controller, Get, provide_app, Post
import uvicorn
# Provide the app to fastapi-boot so that the following controllers can be included in the app automatically
app = provide_app(FastAPI())
# Controllers declared after the `provide_app` function is called or in other files will be automatically included in the app.
# fbv, function-based view
@Get('/hello', tags=['hello world'])
def f():
return 'world'
# another fbv
@Controller('/foo', tags=['foo']).get('')
def _():
return '/foo'
# cbv, class based view
@Controller('/bar', tags=['bar'])
class CBVController:
async def get(self):
return '/bar/a'
def post(self, q: str = Query()):
return dict(query=q,path='/bar/b')
if __name__ == '__main__':
uvicorn.run('main:app', reload=True)
- In fastapi
from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, Query
import uvicorn
app = FastAPI()
@app.get('/hello', tags=['hello world'])
def f():
return 'world'
router1 = APIRouter(prefix='/foo', tags=['foo'])
def _():
return '/foo'
router2 = APIRouter(prefix='/bar', tags=['bar'])
async def get():
return '/bar/a'
def post(q: str = Query()):
return dict(query=q,path='/bar/b')
if __name__ == '__main__':
uvicorn.run('main:app', reload=True)
or use cli:
fastapi-boot --host=localhost --port=8000 --reload --name=Demo
It will generate a simple project with FastAPI instance and DemoController
from fastapi_boot.core import (
# if need tortoise
from fastapi_boot.tortoise_util import Sql, Select, Update, Insert, Delete as SqlDelete
Continue reading or click me for more examples.
- Use the result of the use_dep function as a class variable for classes decorated with the Controller or Prefix decorator. This result will then be added as a public dependency to all endpoints under the Controller (excluding those under an inner Prefix) or Prefix.
from fastapi import Query, Request
from fastapi_boot.core import Controller, Get, use_dep, Prefix, Post
def get_ua(request: Request):
return request.headers.get('user-agent', '')
def get_query_p(p: str = Query()):
# some code to process p
return p
class _:
ua = use_dep(get_ua)
def get(self):
# ...
return self.ua
def post(self):
# ...
return self.ua
class _:
ua = use_dep(get_ua)
p = use_dep(get_query_p)
def get(self):
return {
'ua': self.ua,
'p': self.p
- Provide and inject dependencies
after the FastAPI instance has been provided. - The best practice is to distribute these across different modules.
, andComponent
serve similar purposes.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Annotated
from fastapi_boot.core import Bean, Service, Controller, Get, Autowired
class Item(BaseModel):
id: str
name: str
create_time: datetime
# collect by name
def _():
return Item(id='1', name='foo', create_time=datetime.now())
Bean('item2')(lambda: Item(id='2', name='bar',
def _(item1: Annotated[Item, 'item1']) -> list[Item]: # inject by name
item2 = Item@Autowired.Qualifier('item2') # inject by name
assert item2 == Autowired(Item, 'item2') == Autowired.Qualifier('item2')@Item
return [item1, item2]
# as global var, inject by name
item1 = Autowired(Item, 'item1')
class DIService:
# items: inject by type
def __init__(self, items: list[Item], item2: Annotated[Item, 'item2']) -> None:
# as instance var
self.items = items
assert items[1] == item2
def list(self):
assert item1 == self.items[0]
return self.items
class DIController:
# as class var, inject by type
service = Autowired@DIService
service1 = Autowired(DIService)
def list_all(self):
return self.service.list()
- You can also manually call
to add a controller to the app or another router.
from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI
from fastapi_boot.core import provide_app, Inject, Controller, Get
import uvicorn
app = FastAPI()
# prevent auto include to app, default dep_name is decorated class's name or decorated function's name
@Controller('/foo', auto_include=False)
class FooController:
def foo(self):
return 'foo'
# give a name (not '')
@Controller('/foo1', auto_include=False, dep_name='foo1')
class FooController1:
def foo1(self):
return 'foo1'
@Controller('/bar', auto_include=False).post('/')
def bar():
return 'bar'
@Controller('/bar1', auto_include=False, dep_name='bar1').post('/')
def bar1():
return 'bar1'
app.include_router(Inject.Qualifier(FooController.__name__) @ APIRouter)
app.include_router(Inject(APIRouter, 'foo1'))
app.include_router(APIRouter @ Inject.Qualifier(bar.__name__))
app.include_router(Inject(APIRouter, 'bar1'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
uvicorn.run('main:app', reload=True)
- Middleware
from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine
from fastapi import Request, WebSocket
from fastapi_boot.core import Controller, use_http_middleware, Get, use_ws_middleware, WS, HTTPMiddleware
@HTTPMiddleware # global http middleware
async def _(request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Coroutine]):
print('before mid')
resp = await call_next(request)
print('after mid')
return resp
# @HTTPMiddleware
# class MidMiddleware:
# async def dispatch(self, request: Request, call_next: Callable):
# print('before mid')
# res = await call_next(request)
# print('after mid')
# return res
async def mid1(request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Coroutine]):
print('before mid1')
resp = await call_next(request)
print('after mid1')
return resp
async def mid2(websocket: WebSocket, call_next: Callable[[WebSocket], Coroutine]):
print('before mid2')
await call_next(websocket)
print('after mid2')
class _:
# can also be used in class decorated by Prefix
_ = use_http_middleware(mid1)
__ = use_ws_middleware(mid2)
def foo(self):
# before mid1
# before mid
# before mid
# after mid1
return True
async def bar(self, websocket: WebSocket):
await websocket.accept()
while True:
data = await websocket.receive_json()
# before mid2
await websocket.send_json(data)
# after mid2
- ExceptionHandler
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
import time
from fastapi import HTTPException, Query, Request
from fastapi_boot.core import Controller, Get, ExceptionHandler, use_dep
class GuessException(Exception):
code: int = 500
msg: str = 'server error'
async def handle_exp_1(request: Request, exp: GuessException):
print('guess exception 501')
return {
'time': time.ctime()
async def handle_exp_2(request: Request, exp: HTTPException):
print('guess exception 502')
return {
'status': exp.status_code,
'msg': exp.detail,
'time': time.ctime()
def guess_dep(p: int = Query()):
if p > 20:
raise HTTPException(501, 'too large')
class ExpHandlerDemo:
_ = use_dep(guess_dep)
def f(self, p: int = Query(description='guess a number')):
if p < 10:
raise GuessException(msg='too small')
return dict(
- Lifespan:
, equals it's param lifespan - Lazy
- inject_app
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_boot.core import Controller, Get, Lifespan, Lazy, Inject, Bean
class DBData:
conn: Any = None
db_info: str = ''
class DB:
async def connect(self, app: FastAPI): ...
async def disconnect(self): ...
def some_data(self):
return DBData('db connected')
async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
db = DB()
await db.connect(app)
# Bean created after scanning and before app starting
def f() -> DBData:
return db.some_data
await db.disconnect()
class LefespaDemoController:
# late inject, equals peoperty and lru_cache
db_data = Lazy(lambda: Inject(DBData))
def db_data1(self):
return Inject(DBData)
@Get('query-db', response_model=dict)
def f(self):
result = self.db_data.db_info+' query result'
assert self.db_data == self.db_data1
return dict(
app = inject_app() # current FastAPI instance
def _():
return 'ok'
M = TypeVar('M', bounds=BaseModel)
# Select decorator
# | return annotation | return value |
# | :--: | :--: |
# | M | M|None |
# | list[M] | list[M] |
# | None|list[dict] | list[dict] |
# Select with execute(TP)
# | execute_param | return value |
# | :--: | :--: |
# | type[M] | M|None |
# | type[Sequence[M]] | list[M] |
# | None | type[Sequence[dict]] | list[dict] |
# The fill method can pass fields not supported by execute_query, such as table names.
@Select('select id,username,age,gender,address from {user} where id={dto.user_id}').fill(user=UserEntity.Meta.table)
async def get_by_id(dto: UserDTO) -> UserInfoVO: ...
async def get_by_id1(user_id:str):
# Pass a parameter to the execute method to specify the desired result type.
return await Select('select id,username,age,gender,address from {user} where id={user_id}').fill(user=UserEntity.Meta.table, user_id=user_id).execute(UserInfoVO)
class _:
NORMAL = 'normal'
@Select('select id,username,age,gender,address from {user} where id={user_id} and statis={self.NORMAL}').fill(user=UserEntity.Meta.table)
async def get_normal_user_by_id(self, user_id: str) -> UserInfoVO: ...
async def get_by_id1(self, user_id:str):
return await Select('select id,username,age,gender,address from {user} where id={user_id}').fill(user=UserEntity.Meta.table, user_id=user_id).execute(UserInfoVO)
# or decorate function
@Select('select id,username,age,gender,address from {user} where id={user_id}').fill(user=UserEntity.Meta.table, user_id=user_id)
async def get_by_id2(user_id:str) -> UserInfoVO:...
# another way
async def get_by_id3(user_id:str):
return await Select('select id,username,age,gender,address from {user} where id={user_id}').fill(user=UserEntity.Meta.table, user_id=user_id).execute(UserInfoVO)
- Others
name | decorated function return type | execute param | return value |
Sql |
None | list[dict] |
no param | tuple[int, list[dict]] |
Insert = Update = Delete |
None | int |
no param | int |
- summary
: Format return as defaultlist[dict]
or custom styles:BaseModel
, orlist[dict]
: Return the raw result ofexecute_query()
as a tuple:[affected_lines, list[dict]]
: Return the number of affected lines.