Releases: hilburn/AdvancedSystemsManager
CurseForge Initial
Fixed #55 - think it's just about stable enough to go properly public
The bugfixering
Cleaned up a few old bugs and a few new ones that @Slikrick98 found
Completely rewrote how the RF node does it's textures - now just hit a side to cycle through connection states
Fixes waila dependency and adds additional registering of label-able things
Void can now void aspects and rf - beware!
Public Alpha
This will be going up on CurseForge later today when I get a nice picture to work as the image for the mod.
Enjoy breaking it
Redstone Emitters
Also some bugfixes and more lang stuff
Server safety and groups
Fixed a couple of @sided issues with dedicated servers
Re-added Groups, Group Nodes and Sign Updater commands
Cleared away a ton of unused code
Known issues - limited amount output doesn't work (yet)
Improved Syncing and other things
Fixed a few Component ID bugs (best to break any existing managers)
Fixed Block packets for Camouflage and Block Gates (they will now render correctly)
Components can be dragged by their whole header if the Setting option for largeOpenHitbox is false
WAILA tweaks
Fixes dedicated server issue with @register
More fixes
Fixes a NPE when setting stack sizes for White/Black list settings
Fixes a bug with saving/loading connections creating self-connections
Fixes the issue with Remote Accessor linking
Many fixes
Alpha - 2, the de-derpening
Should fix a couple of the more moronic issues with 0.1.0
Fixes Labeler Gui
Prevents 2 chat messages in creative
Allows placement of empty clusters
Prevents clusters failing in non-dev environment.
Known Issues: Target menu and Settings menu are both broken currently, Block gate not updating visually - will be fixed soonish
Initial Alpha
Right then, here we go:
Packets, Command Execution, and all the tiles and blocks from SFM have had major rewrites
API-erized pretty much everything to allow easy addition of new commands, buffers, buttons and more
Steve's Addons changes have been merged.
Clusters can now have things added to them when they are placed in the world
Added the remote accessor and advanced variant which can access a linked manager remotely if it is loaded - advanced can work interdimensionally
Added the Void Container which will void any items or fluids placed into it - can be added to clusters for neatness
Added the Fluid Gate which can place or suck up fluids
Note that this is only an alpha - only commands working are triggers, item/fluid i/o and camouflage blocks. More will come soon