This package offers a simple and cheap monitoring solution for small and low budget TYPO3 projects. The purpose is that all in production mode occuring errors be send as mail to the warning_email_addr of your TYPO3 instance.
- PHP 5.5 or heigher
- TYPO3 6 or 7
composer require sle/typo3-exceptionhandler
The configuration is very easy and done within 3 minutes:
- Login into Install Tool of your TYPO3 instance
- Switch to All configuration
- Enter a warning_email_addr
- Configure in MAIL the transport and defaultMailFromAddress
- Set in SYS the systemLogLevel (Common value: 2 or heigher)
- Set in SYS the errorHandler to "Sle\TYPO3\ExceptionHandler\ErrorHandler"
- Set in SYS the productionExceptionHandler to "Sle\TYPO3\ExceptionHandler\ProductionExceptionHandler"