Docker image for testing WordPress plugins.
A boilerplate for creating a containerized plugin testing environment using Codeception.
- Create your plugin in /data/[your-plugin-name]
- Set your PLUGIN_NAME (that matches the plugin name in step 1) in the docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up
docker-compose run wordpress codecept build
docker-compose run wordpress codecept run
WordPress user credentials are
- Username: a
- Password: a
- E-mail: a@a.a
This dump.sql was generated only with the information
wp core install --path=/var/www/html --url=wordpress --title='just a wordpress site' --admin_user=a --admin_password=a --admin_email='a@a.a' --skip-email
To debug with xdebug you will need to put your local ip in and wordpress/.htaccess eg
php_value xdebug.remote_host