Author: Dino Fancellu
JMSscala is a Scala Library to invoke JMS, the Java Message System.
It provides Scala interfaces, metaphors and conversions that lead to tighter code and less boilerplate
It should work with any compliant JMS driver, having already been tested against ActiveMQ 5.8.0 drivers
Requires Scala 2.10+ and JMS 1.1
Firstly, make sure that your JMS java driver jars are included and are working. Perhaps run some java to make sure its all up and running.
To add to a sbt build, in the project/Build.scala
import sbt._
object ScalaPretradeBuild extends Build {
lazy val jmsScala = uri("git://")
lazy val root = Project("my-project-name", file(".")) dependsOn(jmsScala)
Or, add:
to your code base. jmsScala is implemented in one file!
Then in your Scala include in the following:
import com.felstar.jmsScala.JMS._
import com.felstar.jmsScala.JMS.AllImplicits._
The next few steps are very familiar to any JMS Developer:
Create your session, e.g.
val connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616")
val connection = connectionFactory.createConnection()
val session = connection.session(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
The above uri and connection factory is dependent on the driver used
val q=session.queue("yikes")
val messageConsumer = q.consumer
// clean up queue, consuming all messages
val prod = q.producer.deliveryMode(NON_PERSISTENT).send("Hello").send("World")
prod.sendMapWith(Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2))
{_.propertiesMap(Map("someprop" -> "hello", "anotherprop" -> "Goodbye"))}
val messages=q.browser().messages
case mess:TextMessage=>mess.asText
case mess:MapMessage=>mess.asMap
}.map("BROWSE "+_).mkString("\n"))
BROWSE Hello BROWSE World BROWSE Map(two -> 2, one -> 1)
Hello World
// we don't get map directly, but get message
// so that we can get both map and propertiesMap
val message = messageConsumer.receive()
Map(two -> 2, one -> 1) Map(anotherprop -> Goodbye, someprop -> hello)
val tq=session.temporaryQueue
tq.producer.send("A temp message").closeMe()
// get the text back
val tqConsumer=tq.consumer
println("TemporaryQueue: "+tqConsumer.receiveText)
TemporaryQueue: A temp message
echoActor ! "About to set up async message consumer"
// receives async incoming messages, routes to actor
messageConsumer.setMessageListener(new MessageListener(){
def onMessage(mess:javax.jms.Message)= echoActor ! mess
// the following should be seen in the echoActor
prod.send("Hello, this should be seen async")
val echoActor = actor {
while (true) {
receive {
case Stop=>exit()
case mess:Message =>{
println("ASYNC "+Thread.currentThread().getName())
println("ASYNC "+mess.asText)
case unknown =>println("received unknown message: "+ unknown)
received unknown message: About to set up async message consumer ASYNC ForkJoinPool-1-worker-29 ASYNC Hello, this should be seen async
val anonProd=session.anonProducer
// when sending we specify destination
anonProd.send("Sent from anon producer",q).closeMe()
ASYNC ForkJoinPool-1-worker-29 ASYNC Sent from anon producer
echoActor ! Stop
// setup consumer to just handle certain messages
val filteringConsumer=q.consumer("type='misc'")
prod.send("Ignored: Hopefully not seen by filtering consumer")
prod.sendWith("Is this seen"){_.propertiesMap(Map("type"->"misc"))}
prod.sendWith("This too?"){_.propertiesMap(Map("type"->"misc","amount"->42))}
var text:String=null
if (text!=null) println("Filtering consumer: "+text)
} while (text!=null)
// will leave Ignored on the queue
Filtering consumer: Is this seen Filtering consumer: This too?
// create 3 topic consumers, but last one is created after message sent
val topic=session.topic("messageboard")
val tc1=topic.consumer
val tc2=topic.consumer
val tp=topic.producer.send("Here's a shout out!").closeMe()
val tc3=topic.consumer
// first 2 sees the shout out text
println("From topic via tc1 "+tc1.receiveText)
println("From topic via tc2 "+tc2.receiveText)
// 3rd will not see it, returns null after 1 second timeout
println("From topic via tc3 "+tc3.receiveText(1000))
From topic via tc1 Here's a shout out! From topic via tc2 Here's a shout out! From topic via tc3 null
##A few items of note
Use of closeMe() is to close up resource allocation as we go along. You may not wish to do so and could just rely on a final session.closeMe() or session.closeMyConncection()
Any feedback is appreciated. I understand that I may well not currently cover all use cases and look forward to improving jmsScala. You can find some examples of jmsScala being used in the com.felstar.jmsScala.example package